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(回答先: 表現の不自由展・その後 (表現の不自由展・その後実行委員会)(焼かれるべき絵) 投稿者 こーるてん 日時 2019 年 11 月 06 日 11:18:46)
Memorial monument of forced displacement of Koreans in Gunma Prefecture
There is a monument titled Kioku, hansei, soshite yuko (memories, regrets, and friendship) to commemorate Koreans who passed away during the forced displacement in Gunma no Mori (Forest in Gunma), the prefectural park in Takasaki, Gunma. The Gunma prefecture notified removal of this monument, and is currently on trial against the installation personnel. SHIRAKAWA referred to this monument and incident as the motif of his work.
The work is about the same size of the monument itself, however, has a white cover on top and does not allow the viewer to see inside. This evokes how people had forgotton the victims from their minds, and how the social system had completely erased them from history. Just the tower part is covered in yellow, which is the same color as the original monument. This gives the viewer a cue to imagine the monument standing inside the park. Instead of being confined inside the concept of suppression, the monument arises in the viewers’ minds as an actual existence within the community.
Instead of the confined way of presenting art only for the art, SHIRAKAWA has been actively opening up his expressions to the public and the society. He has requestioned the history of the Japanese avant-garde expressions; he has distributed works by using a regional currency; and he has created a new festival for a regional community. Among them, activities in Maebashi where he curently resides in are specifically important, which includes this work, where he had transferred the political scene of the region to the work.
The work was first exhibited at Omotesando Gallery in Tokyo in 2015, and then at Tottori Prefectural Museum in 2017. Right after Tottori, the work was planned to be on exhibit at Contemporary Art in Gunma in The Museum of Modern Art, Gunma (in the same park as the monument), however, was rejected for being related to a pending controversy. Although in a different prefecture, the work had already been exhibited in public, and demonstrates a failure of openness of a public organization. (ARAI Hiroyuki)
2017 「ミュージアムとの創造的対話vol.1 - MONUMENT」(鳥取県立博物館)
2016 「あいちトリエンナーレ2016」(愛知県内各所)
2014 「白川昌生ダダ、ダダ、ダ地域に生きる想像☆の力」(アーツ前橋、群馬)、
2007 「白川昌生と『フィールドキャラバン計画』」(群馬県昭和庁舎、群馬)、
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- 表現の不自由展・その後 (表現の不自由展・その後実行委員会)(福島サウンドスケープ ) こーるてん 2019/11/09 22:38:47
- 表現の不自由展・その後 (表現の不自由展・その後実行委員会)(時代ときの肖像ー絶滅危惧種 idiot JAPONICA 円墳ー ) こーるてん 2019/11/08 22:01:49
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