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(回答先: 表現の不自由展・その後 (表現の不自由展・その後実行委員会)(気合い100連発 ) 投稿者 こーるてん 日時 2019 年 11 月 08 日 21:54:32)
NAKAGAKI Katsuhisa
時代ときの肖像ー絶滅危惧種 idiot JAPONICA 円墳ー
竹・紙 2014 Murata & Friends
“Portrait of the Period – Endangered Species idiot JAPONICA – Round barrow-“, bamboo, paper, 2014, Murata & Friends
There are two different types in the expression of art. One is a work that speaks to others, and the other is a work that speaks of the others. Which of the two does NAKAGAKI belong to.
Portrait of the Period is one of the representative works by NAKAGAKI. There are words respecting the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, criticizing the Yasukuni Shrine visits, and raising alarms to the rightward tilt of the ABE administration, written on the wall of a kamakura (snow dome) shape sculpture. On the top there is a national flag of Japan, and at the bottom a flag of Stars and Stripes. The work could be interpreted as diagram of criticizing the US follow-up attitude and military expansion with a social message.
On the other side, NAKAGAKI also has works that have motifs on native folk beliefs. Themes of those works are Yobutsu shinko (phallic worship) in which positively praises sexuality, or Fudarakutokai which is a dedicated practice in Buddhism to sacrifice one’s life. In these, the works speak of the others in which appear in the form of belief.
In that sense, with its exterior depicting the shape of a traditional folk custom, perhaps Portrait of the Period is a vessel that contains the deeply rooted minds of the others. Not just articulating their own minds, and depicting the mind of the majority, is also the role of an artist.
This work became subject to censorship on the occasion it was exhibited in the 7th edition of Gendai nihon cho-koku sakka ten (Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition) at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum in 2014, and was forced to be demolishshed. The deeper mind the artist finds, the stronger it becomes denied by the “system.” This is the current status of the Japanese art scene today. (ARAI Hiroyuki)
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- 表現の不自由展・その後 (表現の不自由展・その後実行委員会)(マネキンフラッシュモブ ) こーるてん 2019/11/09 22:53:29
- 表現の不自由展・その後 (表現の不自由展・その後実行委員会)( Tami Fujie 1986 work) こーるてん 2019/11/09 22:44:34
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