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(回答先: 表現の不自由展・その後 (表現の不自由展・その後実行委員会)( Tami Fujie 1986 work) 投稿者 こーるてん 日時 2019 年 11 月 09 日 22:44:34)
Mannequin Flash Mob
マネキンフラッシュモブは、公の場に現れマネキンのように数分間静止するパフォーマンス。統一感のある服装で「WAR IS OVER」「ABE IS OVER」などのボードを示す静寂のアクションである。
Mannequin Flash Mob is a performance in which the members appear in public and pause for several minutes as though a mannequin. The silent action is made by members in similar clothing, holding boards with comments written as “WAR IS OVER,” or “ABE IS OVER.”
In 2016, Ebina City warned the Mob members that the “Mob” performance that had been taking place in the corridor in front of Ebina station were infringing the regulations of the local government, and issued an injunction stating a penalty up to 50,000 yen will be imposed for the next occasion. The members of the mob filed the case against Ebina City as an infringement of the “freedom of expression.”In 2017, Yokohama District Court ordered disaffirmance of the injunction, and the mob members won the case. The sequence of events revealed that the activity restrictions seen in various regions do not have any legal validity of justification.
2017年3月 横浜地方裁判所前 神奈川県横浜市
2015年11月 大和 黒づくめ 「アベ政治を許さない」
2016年8月 片瀬江ノ島 白+デニム「NO BASE HENOKO」
2017年 3月の判決を前に、海老名駅前と横浜地方裁判所前で。豹柄+デニム「ヒョウ柄でヒョウメイ(表明)」
- 表現の不自由展・その後 (表現の不自由展・その後実行委員会)(ラッピング電車の第五号案「ターザン」など ) こーるてん 2019/11/10 21:58:35
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