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International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism and Security
Thematic Subject Area I: The Causes or Underlying Factors of Terrorism
Subject Area Coordinator
* Richardson, Louise
Executive Dean of the Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University
Research interests include the roots of terrorism, conflict theory and terrorism, as well as state-sponsored terrorism. Has published extensively on these issues, as well as on the peace process in Northern Ireland.
1. Individual and Psychological Explanations
【The psychological make-up of individual terrorists and terrorist leaders can be an important factor in explaining their actions. This working group is concerned with what drives terrorists to commit violent acts, and how understanding their motivations can lead to a more effective response. 】
* Post, Jerrold (co-ordinator)
Professor of political psychology at George Washington University
Extensive career in psychological profiling for the U.S. government, mostly with the CIA. Author of numerous books, such as Political Paranoia: The Psycho-Politics of Hatred (Yale 1997).
* Atran, Scott
Research director, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris
Professor of anthropology and psychology, University of Michigan. Expert in Middle East history and suicide terror. Author of In Gods We Trust: The Evolutionary Landscape of Religion (Oxford 2002).
* Gupta, Dirak
Chair in International Security at San Diego State University
Currently writing a book on the life-cycle of terrorist group, he has authored six others, including Path to Collective Madness: A Study in Social Order and Political Pathology (Praeger 2001).
* Hassan, Nasra
Director of the United Nations Information Service in Vienna, spokesperson for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
A Pakistani researcher on Islamist militancy, whose work on suicide terrorists has been widely published.
* Horgan, John
Lecturer in Applied Psychology at University College Cork, Ireland
Accomplished expert in the psychology of terrorist behaviour with numerous publications on this and related topics. Author of The Psychology of Terrorism (Taylor and Francis 2005).
* Merari, Ariel
Professor of Psychology at Tel Aviv University
Has studied political terrorism and published widely on this area for nearly 30 years. His work during the recent decade has focused on suicide terrorism and on deterrence.
* Sageman, Marc
Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia
Formerly a CIA case officer, he is now a forensic psychiatrist. Authored Understanding Terror Networks (University of Pennsylvania 2004).
* Schmid, Alex
Formerly officer in charge of the Terrorism Prevention Branch at the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime, Vienna
More than one hundred publications, most prominently Political Terrorism (Transaction Books 1983).
* Stout, Chris
Founding director at the Center for Global Initiatives, Department of Psychiatry at the University of Illinois
Leading clinical psychiatrist, who is editor of the four-volume The Psychology of Terrorism (Greenwood 2002).
* Victoroff, Jeff
Associate Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry, University of Southern California
Neurologist and Psychiatrist, research focuses on the interaction between evolutionary, behavioural and social factors of human aggression, focusing on collective violence and terrorism.
* Weine, Stevan
Director, International Center on Responses to Catastrophes, University of Illinois at Chicago
Expert on familial, cultural, and historical dimensions of political violence. A National Institute of Mental Health Career Scientist and author of Testimony after Catastrophe (Rutgers 2005).
* Leube, Michael(Rapporteur)
Lecturer, Saint Louis University, Madrid
Lecturer at Saint Louis University, Madrid. Ethnologist and
anthropologist, who is particularly interested in cultural anthropology, religious studies and evolutionary psychology.
2. Political Explanations
【Terrorism is politically motivated violence, and terrorists have exploited real as well as perceived political grievances. This working group examines the political causes of terrorism, and aims to identify if there are legitimate grievances which can be addressed.】
* Crenshaw, Martha (co-ordinator)
Professor of government at Wesleyan University
She has written and edited numerous books on the issue of political terrorism. Her first article, “The Concept of Revolutionary Terrorism,” was published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution in 1972.
* Alonso, Rogelio
Co-ordinator of the Unit for the Documentation and Analysis of Terrorism at the University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
Expert on ethno-nationalist terrorism, especially the IRA and ETA. Author of Martar Por Irlanda: El IRA y La Lucha Armada (Alianza 2004).
* Azzi, Mohamed Farid
Researcher at Oran University, Algeria
Expert on political violence and conflict in Algeria. Current research focuses on ‘Algerian youth between Alienation and Integration’.
* Crelinstein, Ronald
Professor of Criminology, University of Ottawa
Terrorism researcher for thirty years, an expert on relationships between political protest, violence and dissent, including the role of media. Current research project is entitled The Terrorism-Counterterrorism Nexus.
* Herrero, Jose Luis
Director of the FRIDE Foundation, Madrid
Former political advisor to the UN missions in Kosovo, Haiti and Rwanda. Numerous publications on peacekeeping and post-conflict institution building.
* Ibrahim, Barbara Lethem
Directora regional para el Este asiático y el Norte de África del Consejo Popular de El Cairo
Asesora a grupos de Jordania, Paquistán e Irán en el campo de estudios sobre la juventud y es miembro de un grupo de trabajo regional que realiza estudios sobre la familia árabe. Ha recibido numerosos premios.
* Ibrahim, Saad Eddin
Professor of sociology at the American University, Cairo
Founder and chairman of the Ibn Khaldoun Centre for Development, Egypt. Highly respected human rights activist, who has written extensively on Islam, civil society, and democracy in the Arab world.
* Reinares, Fernando
Professor at the University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
Has written extensively on all aspects of global terrorism. Currently Senior Anti-Terrorism Advisor to the Spanish Ministry of the Interior.
* Sánchez-Cuenca, Ignacio
Professor of political science at Yale University
Expert on comparative terrorism, and member of the American Political Science Association’s “Task Force” on Terrorism. Author of many publications on revolutionary and separatist terrorism.
* Stepanova, Ekaterina
Heads a research group on the “new” security threats in conflict and post-conflict settings at IMEMO, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Author of The Role of Illicit Drug Business in the Political Economy of Conflicts and Terrorism (Moscow, 2005).
* Sznajder, Mario
Professor in political science at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Research interests include political violence and transformation in Latin America. Co-author of The Legacy of Human Rights Violations in Southern Congo, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay (Oxford 1999).
* Weinberg, Leonard
Foundation Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Nevada, Reno
Has written extensively on right and left-wing terror, as well as the relationship between political activity and terrorism. Co-author of Political Parties and Terrorist Groups (Routledge 2003).
* Manikkalingam, Ram[External]
Senior Advisor to the President of Sri Lanka (on leave from the Rockefeller Foundation)
Special advisor to the Sri Lankan President. On Leave from the Rockefeller Foundation, in charge of organizing the Foundation’s work in the area of peace and security.
* Gerecht, Reuel Marc[External]
Director, Middle East Initiative, Project for the New American Century
Resident fellow of the American Enterprise Institute and former Middle Eastern specialist in the CIA. Author under the pseudonym of Edward Shirley of, Know Thine Enemy: A Spy’s Journey into Revolutionary Iran (Farrar, Strasus & Giroux 1997).
* Echagüe, Ana (Rapporteur)
Researcher, FRIDE
Researcher at the Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior, Madrid. Formerly deputy director at the University of the Middle East Project in Madrid, as well as a financial analyst at Lehman Brothers, London.
3. Economic Factors
【This working group surveys the economic factors that underlie and sustain terrorism. Most radical movements that espouse violence arise from broader political conflicts centred on the demands of disadvantaged groups. What role is played by economic factors, and how do they inter-play with extreme ideologies and repressive state policies? What influence can be attributed to globalisation?】
* Gurr, Ted (co-ordinator)
Distinguished university professor at the University of Maryland
Founder of the Polity project, tracking democratization worldwide, and the Minorities at Risk project, monitoring 300 communal groups in conflict. Books include Why Men Rebel (Princeton Press, 1970).
* Abadie, Alberto (advisor)
Associate Professor, Harvard University
Associate professor of Public Policy at Harvard University. An economist, his main research areas are econometrics, the relationship between poverty, political freedom and terrorism, as well as the economic impact of terrorism on the world economy.
* Alonso, José Antonio
Professor of Applied Economics at the Complutense University of Madrid. Director of the Department of Development and Cooperation.
Advises the Spanish government on issues related to development assistance and international trade.
* Bjorgo, Tore
Professor at the Norwegian Police University College
Also, a senior research fellow at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), he heads a research group on terrorism and international crime. Author of Root Causes of Terrorism (Routledge 2005).
* Carmon, Yigal
* Eckert, Sue (advisor)
Senior fellow at Brown University
Current interests include terrorist financing, targeted sanctions, and critical infrastructure. Former US Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration.
* Gold, David (advisor)
Professor of international relations at the New School University, New York
Fifteen years at the United Nations, most of which at the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Interests include economic impacts of military spending and foreign direct investment.
* Gotchev, Atanas
Associate professor of international relations at the University of National and World Economy, Sofia
Former Director of the UNDP-sponsored Bulgarian Early Warning System. Main research interests include risk assessment and conflict prevention.
* Gunning, Jeroen
Lecturer in international politics at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Main research interests are political Islam and critical approaches to terrorism. Author of Hamas in Transition (Cambridge, 2005).
* Mincheva, Lyubov Grigorova
Professor of international relations at the University of Sofia
Author of six edited volumes, she is an expert in East European processes of democratization and ethnic conflict. Author of Local Conflicts, Regional Wars (Berghan 2005).
* Sheffer, Gabriel
Professor of political science at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Has published many books and article on ethno-national diasporas in general and on diasporas and security in particular including Diaspora Politics at Home Abroad (Cambridge Press 2003).
* Stohl, Michael
Professor of communication at the University of California at Santa Barbara
Currently works on a project dealing with the networks of terrorism. Author of, among others, The Politics of Terrorism (Marcel Dekker 1979).
* Zimmermann, Ekkart
Professor of sociology at the Dresden University of Technology
Published widely in the field of conflict research. Currently completes work on a book on Development, Change and Globalisation.
* Kolodko, Grzegorz W. [External]
Former Deputy Premier of Poland
Former Minister of Finance. Director of Transformation, Integration and Globalization Economic Research Project at the Kozminski School of Business, Warsaw. Author of From Shock to Therapy: The Political Economy of Post-Socialist Transformation (Oxford Press 2000).
* Klein, Florian (Rapporteur)
Research Student, London School of Economic and Political Science
Research student at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Holds an MBA from the Instituto de Empresa, Madrid, as well as an MA in Development Studies from the Universität Tübingen, Germany.
4. Religion and Religious Extremism
【Some of the most violent terrorist groups in recent years have presented religion as a justification for their actions. This working group investigates the role of religion as a cause of terrorism, and explores what steps can be taken to foster inter-religious dialogue, tolerance and understanding.】
* Juergensmeyer, Mark (co-ordinator)
Professor of sociology at the University of California at Santa Barbara
Expert on religious violence, conflict resolution and politics. Author of Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence (University of California Press 2003).
* Al-Mashta, Jalal
Editor-in-chief of the An-Nahda political newspaper and formerly director general of Al Iraqiya television, Baghdad
Influential political affairs analyst, who has extensively written on the currents of religious extremism in contemporary Iraq.
* Azra, Azyumardi
Rector of the National Islamic University, Jakarta
Has written numerous books on reforming Islam with a particular focus on the Southeast Asian context. Is considered one of the leading advocates of modernising Islamic education.
* Elorza, Antonio
Professor of political science at the University Complutense, Madrid
Has focused on social movements and, more recently, Islamic extremism in Spain. Co-authored El Nuevo Terrorismo Islamista (Temas de Hoy 2005).
* Esposito, John L. (advisor)
Professor of religion, international affairs and Islamic studies at Georgetown University
Leading authority on Islam and democracy. Has authored more than thirty books on the issue, including Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam (Oxford Press, 2002).
* Gladney, Dru
Professor of Asian studies and anthropology at the University of Hawaii
Consults the World Bank, the UNHCR and others on Central Asia, China and Islam. Author of Muslim Chinese: Ethnic Nationalism in the Peoples Republic (Harvard University Press 1996).
* Al-Mashta, Jalal
Editor-in-chief of the An-Nahda political newspaper and formerly director general of Al Iraqiya television, Baghdad
Influential political affairs analyst, who has extensively written on the currents of religious extremism in contemporary Iraq.
* Peleg, Samuel
Senior lecturer of international relations at Tel Aviv University, Israel
Expert on conflict resolution, political violence and terrorism. Close advisor of the initiator of the Geneva peace proposal. Author of Spreading the Wrath of God (Red Line 1997)
* Puri, Harish K.
Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Guru Nanak Dev University, India
Expert in ethnic and religious conflict and violence, human rights and terrorism, especially in India. Co-author of Terrorism in Punjab: Understanding Grassroots Reality (Har Anand 1999).
* Reader, Ian
Professor of religious studies at Lancaster University
Expert in Japanese religion as well as the relationship of religious movements and violence generally. Author of Religious Violence in Contemporary Japan: The Case of Aum Shinrikyo (University of Hawaii Press 2000).
* Rosen, David
Former Chief Rabbi of Ireland and director of the American Jewish Committee’s Interreligious Affairs department
Founder of the Inter Faith Forum and the Council of Jews, Christians and Muslims. Served in numerous organisations for inter-faith dialogue.
* Shahandeh, Behzad
Professor of political science at Tehran University
Vice-President at the Centre for Dialogue for Civilizations. Main research interests are East Asian and South East Asian studies, the Middle East, terrorism and development issues.
* Telhami, Shibley
* Tibi, Bassam
Professor of international politics at Göttingen University, Germany
Expert in Islamic fundamentalism, Islam in the West and the Arab world. Author of, among many other publications, Arab Nationalism: Between Islam and the Nation-State (Macmillan Press 1980).
* Riza, Iqbal[External]
Special Advisor to the Secretary General of the United Nations
Distinguished diplomat, who was Kofi Annan’s Chef de Cabinet. Expert in peacekeeping operations and international political affairs.
* Vendley, William [External]
Secretary General, World Conference of Religions for Peace, International
Member of the governing board of Religions for Peace, which is composed of outstanding international religious leaders. Serves as the organization’s chief executive officer, overseeing the international secretariat in North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Has lead Religions for Peace and its local affiliates to help mediate violent conflicts in the Balkans, West Africa, and the Horn of Africa.
* Mitchell, Melanie (Rapporteur)
Lecturer in Theology, Saint Louis University, Madrid
Lecturer in theology at Saint Louis University, Madrid, as
well as a Presbyterian minister serving the Iglesia Evangélica Española. Holds a Master of Divinity from Columbia Theological Seminary.
5. Cultural Explanations
【Terrorism is sometimes seen as a violent reaction to alien cultural values and influences. This working group deals with the question of how perceptions of cultural alienation and humiliation have contributed to the rise of international terrorism, and how these can be addressed.】
* Stern, Jessica
Lecturer in public policy at Harvard University
Initially focused on the threat of nuclear smuggling and terrorism, she has recently carried out extensive research on religious militants from different cultures. Author of Terror in the Name of God (HarperCollins 2003).
* Abdullaev, Nabi
Staff Writer, The Moscow Times
Former journalist at the Moscow Times. Covered the conflict in Chechnya, as well as terrorism and extremism in the Northern Caucasus. Was one of only a few local journalists who reported the whole Chechen war.
* Abbas, Hassan
Research Fellow, Harvard Law School
Research fellow at the Harvard Law School. Formerly Member of the Pakistani police force, as well as staff officer to Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Expert on Islam, human rights and conflict resolution. Numerous publications on these issues.
* Amirah Fernández, Haizam
Senior analyst for North Africa and the Arab world at the Real Instituto Elcano, Madrid
Main research interests are Morocco and the strategy of North African jihadists. Many articles in Spanish and Arab publications.
* Beissinger, Mark
Professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin
Main interests are nationalism, state-building and social movements. Currently working on a volume entitled Contemporary Empires: Imperialism and the Politics of Identity.
* Haider, Ejaz
News editor of The Friday Times and foreign editor of the Daily Times, both Pakistan
During his career, he has reported extensively on security issues and Afghanistan. His weekly column for The Friday Times focuses on Pakistani politics and political Islam.
* Kepel, Gilles
Professor at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris
Leading authority on radical Islam. Author of Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam (Harvard 2002) and numerous other publications on this issue.
* Marret, Jean-Luc
Researcher at the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, Paris
Has produced sociological profiles of Western jihadists. Focuses on the ‘radicalisation experience’ in European prisons. Author of The Factories of Jihad (French University Press 2005).
* Ortega, Andrés
Editor of the Spanish edition of Foreign Policy and columnist for El Pais
Formerly a senior advisor to the Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs and general director of the policy planning unit at the Prime Minister’s office.
* Peckham, Gardner
* Picco, Giandomenico [External]
Founder, GDP Associates, New York
Personal Representative of Kofi Annan for the UN year of Dialogue among Civilizations. Former UN official, notably, head of the task force that negotiated the end of the Iran-Iraq conflict and a member of the team which negotiated withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan.
* Sendagorta, Fidel [External]
Head, Policy Planning Unit, Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Expert in Islamism and the Muslim world. Distinguished career in the diplomatic service, with many postings across the world.
* Ross, James C. (Rapporteur)
Lecturer in Political Science at Syracuse University Center, Madrid
Lecturer in political science at Syracuse University Center, Madrid. Courses taught include U.S. Foreign Policy and other aspects of international relations. Research interests focus on migration and security.