ここ転載されてなかったですか?では http://www2.kitanet.ne.jp/~mail/2ch/test/read.cgi?bbs=youth&key=959420008&ls=50
より 9 名前: 名無しさん 投稿日: 2000/05/28(日) 17:59 Then one of the seven a8ngels
who had the seven bEowls came to me a9nd said, 'Come, and I will show you hoFw
the famous prostitute is to be puni8shed, that great city that is b2uilt near
many rivers. The kings of the eCarth practiced sexual imDmorality with her, and
the peo8ple of the world became dDrunk from drinking the wine of her immorality."
The Spir4it took control of me, anCd the angel carried me t9o a desert. There
I saw a woman sitti4ng on a red beast that had namFes insulting to God writte6n
all over it; the beast had seven he8ads and ten ho2rns. The woman was dressed
in purple and scarlet, and coverCed with gold ornament5s, precious stones, an8d
pearls. In her hEand she held a gold cup full of obscene and filthy things, the
result of h5er immorality. On her fore3head was writt8en a name that has a secret
meaniCng: 'Creat Babylon, the mother of all pr8ostitutes and perverts in the w0orld."
And I saw that the woman wa8s drunk with the blood of God's p2eople and the blood
of those who werAe killed because they had beAen loyal to Jesus. W8hen I saw her,
I was comple2tely amazed . 'Why are you amazed?' the aAngel asked me. 'l will
tell yo8u the secret meaning of the woman and of the be8ast that carries her,
the b2east with seven heaAds and ten horns. That beaBst was once alive, but lives
no longer; it is about to c8ome up from the aby2ss and will go off to be destroyEed.
The people living on earth whose name9s have not been written b8efore the creation
of the wAorld in the book of the living, will all be amazed a6s they look at the
beast. It wFas once alive; no8w it no longer lives, but it will reCappear. 'This
calls for wisdom and undeErstanding. The seven heads are seven hills, on which
the woman sits. They are also seven kings: fiv5e of them have fallen, o8ne still
rules, and the other one has not y2et come; when he comes, he must rute only a
little while. And the beast that was once alive, bBut lives no longer, is itself
an eighth k9ing who is one of the seven and is g8oing off to be destroy2ed. 'The
ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet bcgun to rule, but who will be
given authority to rule aEs kings for one hour with the beast. These ten all have
the same purpose, and they give the6ir power and authority to the beast. They
will fight against the Lamb; >25 名前: HIROO 投稿日: 2000/05/30(火) 15:53
>次は広尾で惨劇がおきる覚悟せよ >26 名前: sage 投稿日: 2000/05/30(火) 16:29 >ココハ贋物ダ!
>観光名所デハナイ!! >27 名前: 25の解説 投稿日: 2000/05/30(火) 17:16 >9の英文から不自然な文字を抜き出してJISコード表と照らし合わせると
>8E9F 次 >82CD は >8D4C 広 >94F6 尾 >82C5
で >8E53 惨 >8C80 劇 >82AA が >82A8 お >82AB
こ >82E9 る >8A6F 覚 >8CE5 悟 >82B9 せ >82E6
よ >power and authority to the beast. They will fight against the Lamb;
>獣へのパワーと権威。彼らは、子羊を敵に戦う; ←あまり サイバッチ掲示板 http://www.jbbs.net/a/test/read.cgi?bbs=cybazzi&key=959606635
>9 名前: セブン 投稿日: 2000/06/01(木) 00:31 >七つの鉢を持てる七人の御使(みつかひ)の一人きたり、我に語りて言ふ
>「来れ、われ多くの水の上に坐する大淫婦の審判を汝に示さん。地の王 >たちは之と淫をおこなひ、地に住む者らは其の淫行の葡萄酒に酵ひたり』
>かくてわれ御霊に感じ、御使に携へられて荒野にゆき、緋色の獣に乗れ >る女を見たり、この獣の体は神を汚す名にて覆はれ、また七つの頭と十
>の角とあり。女は紫色と緋とを著、金・宝石・真珠にて身を飾り、手に >は憎むべきものと己が淫行の汚れとにて満ちたる金の酒杯を持ち、額に
>は記されたる名あり。曰く『奥義大なるバビロン、地の淫婦らと憎むべ >き者との母』 我この女を見るに、聖徒の血とイエスの証人の血とに酔ひ
>たり。我これを見て大に怪しみたれば、 御使われに言ふ『なにゆゑ怪し >むか、我この女と之を乗せたる七つの頭、十の角ある獣との奥義を汝に
>告げん。 なんぢの見し獣は前に有りしも今あらず、後に底なき所より上 >りて滅亡に往かん、地に住む者にて世の創(はじめ)より其の名を生命の
>書に記されざる者は、獣の前にありて今あらず、後に来るを見て怪しま >ん。 智慧の心はここにあり。七つの頭は女の坐する七つの山なり、また
>七人の王なり。五人は既に倒れて一人は今あり、他の一人は未だ来らず、 >来らば暫時のほど止るべきなり。 前にありて今あらぬ獣は第八なり、前
>の七人より出でたる者にして滅亡に往くなり。汝の見し十の角は十人の王 >にして未だ国を受けざれども、 一時のあひだ獣と共に王のごとき権威を
>受くべし。 彼らは心を一つにして己が能力と権威とを獣にあたふ。 彼 >らは仔羊と戦はん。 (ヨハネ黙示録17章)
> >以上,引用部分の文語訳。やっぱ文語だと雰囲気出るね。 http://www2.kitanet.ne.jp/~mail/2ch/test/read.cgi?bbs=youth&key=959420008&ls=50