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投稿者 千早@オーストラリア 日時 2007 年 9 月 20 日 14:07:23: PzFaFdozock6I

(回答先: ロシアの軍事と諜報の専門家、9・11の内部犯行を断言(プラウダ、西語版ボルテール・ネット) 投稿者 バルセロナより愛を込めて 日時 2007 年 9 月 19 日 22:15:55)

No hablo Espanorなので、Babel Fishを使いました。
“the conclusion that somebody made the Vista fat”が

“And it was impossible to put inside explosive, to assure it everything.”



Expertos rusos también creen que el 11-S fue acción orquestada por EEUU

BabelFish translation below.

The newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda spreads this information
Russian experts also think that 11-S was action orchestrated by the U.S.A.

In the sixth anniversary of the attacks of the 11 of September, 130 engineers and architects are going to spread in Oakland, California, the text of a letter to the Congress of the U.S.A. affirming that the fall of the twin towers of Manhattan was, in fact, "a disassembling prepared" with the use of explosives, not it direct consequence of the impact of two airplanes piloted by suicidal terrorists.

The American architect Richard Gage, main promoter of this document, says to have reached "the horrifying conclusion that 11-S was orchestrated, probably, by the governmental circles of the U.S.A.".

Two Russian experts, interviewed by the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, think that this version is feasible.

"we cannot discard that the tragedy of 11-S outside prepared by the secret services of the U.S.A.", indicated Víctor Baranets, that advised in the past to the head of Russian the Army staff. "We can suppose that the American cupola needed it to justify its new strategy of antiterrorist fight and, of step, to obtain other strategic targets as the invasion in Afghanistan and Iraq and the promotion of the patriotism in the U.S.A.", said the expert.

"Perhaps, it was a combined-arms operation: an aerial attack in charge of suicidal pilots with the parallel positioning of explosives in the Earth, directly in the buildings. They come to us with the story from which Muslim pilots took six months in preparing itself but any aviator will say that this period is insufficient to train a crew able to make so complicated maneuvers. They would have needed 18 months like minimum ", indicated Baranets.

"he is not credible Either that the secret services of the U.S.A. have not on time noticed the dangerous concentration of Muslim pilots on board of the Boeing, mainly, taking into account that the Administration instigaba in the population the fear before the islamista threat. Of here, the conclusion that somebody made the Vista fat or until controlled that process ".

"Even assuming which the theoretical aspects of such mission had been tried of impeccable form, there were no exact guarantees which the plan left actually to the one hundred percent. The airplane that fell in perforated on the Pentagon did not hit the target finally. And it was impossible to put inside explosive, to assure it everything. The twin towers, meanwhile, were constantly in works, so that it was not difficult to introduce 400 kilos of tolite or plastic explosives, making happen them through construction equipments, and detonate them at the opportune moment by means of the signal sent from a common and current moving body. The towers crumbled in the strictly vertical sense, of above for down, but they had as much margin of resistance that the impact of the Boeing would have cut only one part of the structures, and the architects paid attention indeed to this detail ", affirmed the Russian expert.

Vladímir Bulátov, ex- official of the Russian service of counterespionage, shares this version. "To the towers they helped them to fall", declared he to Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Source: Ria Novosti, 11/ 09/ 2007.


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