★阿修羅♪ 戦争7 ★阿修羅♪ |
(回答先: ブッシュ政権は「ビデオ公表作戦」でも敗北 [ABCニュース] 投稿者 あっしら 日時 2001 年 12 月 14 日 22:29:31)
MORE LIES FROM THE FBI !!! about the video
Wed Dec 12 22:08:32 2001
A contradiction exists between Bin Ladin's "new video" and the letters of the hijackers. The new video claims to have "proof" that Bin Ladin did the attack, OK, but why does it say that he thought the hijackers did not know they were about to commit suicide? Did not the letters "uncovered" by the FBI from the "hijackers" luggage shortly after the WTC attack claim that they knew they were about to commit suicide? Therefore we have a contradiction, Bin Laden "claims" (on this new "video") that the hijackers did NOT know they were about to commit suicide, yet earlier a few weeks ago when the hijackers luggage was "discovered", letters were found which said the hijackers KNEW that they were going to commit suicide on the planes, why such a big discrepancy? Obviously the lies have reached such a point where they have got clumsy. Also, why was an ARABIC "video" found in Jalalabad where the people don't speak Arabic? If it was for distribution around the Arabic world then they'd at least find much more of these tapes, right? Another thing, this seems to me to be an attempt to further demonise Bin Ladin by saying that he "tricks" people to commit suicide, thus making more people in the Muslim world oppose him and some of the just causes he stands for. More more thing, if the people then explain this contradiction away as "lack of knowledge due to the cells being seperate", then how can Bin Ladin be blamed for organising this if he did not know what they were doing? Think about it, if these "terrorist" cells really don't know what each other is doing, then how can we blame Osama for the attacks? So, if the people explain the contradiction between Bin Ladin's video and the letters of the "hijackers" as due to the fact that these cells don't know what each other cell is doing, then we CANNOT blame Osama for "conceiving, organising and carrying out the attacks".
Product Placement? -- chaugh, Fri Dec 14 09:38
jet set bin laden -- chaugh, Fri Dec 14 09:18
Inaudible Video -- AD, Fri Dec 14 09:04
Fake Video -- Haroon Sulaiman (South Africa), Fri Dec 14 06:33
Hey! Thanks for using my article!!! -- Samata Ullah, Thu Dec 13 19:32
Who knows Usama? -- Rene, Thu Dec 13 17:26
FRAUD -- Neil, Thu Dec 13 17:03
Yep..The Jet Fuel Remark..Got Cha! -- T.A., Fri Dec 14 00:55
More lies of the FBI -- Anonymous, Thu Dec 13 15:24
More lies of the FBI -- Anonymous, Thu Dec 13 15:00
Arabic --John, Thu Dec 13 14:51
arabic reply --That which is, Fri Dec 14 10:01
They knew! -- John, Thu Dec 13 14:50
Also... -- Tariq, Thu Dec 13 14:09
Yes it is. -- vet, Thu Dec 13 19:31
Freedom of thought/Speech -- Inquisitive, Thu Dec 13 21:07
Yes... -- Frenchman, Thu Dec 13 19:15
Re: Yes... -- David, Thu Dec 13 21:02
Detain, Arrest, Impeach Traitor Bush -- George Peabody c/o Molokai Advertiser-News, Thu Dec 13 04:04
RE:More lies -- SWIFT 2-2, Wed Dec 12 23:35
language -- Inquisitve, Thu Dec 13 21:22
a real video -- timothy revere, Wed Dec 12 22:57
timothy revere
a real video
Wed Dec 12 22:57:44 2001
OK guys,go to bradmesser.com.Scroll down to the bottom of his main page and click on "binny speaks movie".It doesn't require sound but the first time I saw it with sound I laughed so hard I almost peed in my pants,You can view some really funny pictures if you click on "images".
Anonymous,I know you'll get a real hoot after seeing your picture of osama and his new girlfriend.Wait till you see his old one!She had 4 legs too!
All of us need to grin a little every now and again.
disclaimer:not responsible for busted guts!
RE:More lies
Wed Dec 12 23:35:50 2001
Interesting post. Keep up the good work. Oh by the way, what do they speak in Jalalabad?
Thu Dec 13 21:22:31 2001
The official languages are Pushtu and Dari( a form of Persian). Needless to say, neither are Arabic or even
close. I guess old Osama wasn't leaving the tape for
the local populace to listen to at supper.
I wonder how many people in Afghanistan have a T.V. or a
VCR? I wonder how many have even seen a T.V. or VCR? I
wonder how many would sit down to watch their nonexistant
T.V. on a very empty stomach? It always amazes me how
the propagandist extend Western motives and mentality onto
peoples around the world who don't even have electicity and
are more concerned with their next grain of wheat, not VCR tapes.
Thu Dec 13 14:09:16 2001
I have never been in a war, but would it be normal practice to play al video tapes you find during a time of war. How was this tape even discovered???
Yes it is.
Thu Dec 13 19:31:11 2001
Whenever material of any intelligence value is found, soldiers (grunts & officers alike) are instructed to retrieve it & inform their superiors immediately.
However: In this case it looks more like an investigation than a simple stumble-up. The lines between combat & criminal justice are skewed in guerrila wars; it's not uncommon to perform "raids" in order to gain intelligence data.
In regards to the article, what a crock. The pilots & the hijackers were in two seperate cells. The pilots knew their fate, the muscle did not.
You people are being pretty hard on a government that's saving your ass. It's a sad fact, but war ain't pretty, and while we do engage in it for your ultimate benefit, we don't do it for your approval or entertainment.
Freedom of thought/Speech
Thu Dec 13 21:07:48 2001
Dear Vet:
I too, have served the American people as a member of the
Armed Forces (as a Marine) and understand your need to justify your actions or inaction.
However, always remember your ultimate mission, To defend the the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. You serve our government which serves the people at the people's discretion. Our governments' powers are derived from the consent of the governed. With that presented, you serve a government who serves US, the people. We have every right to be concerned with what you are doing or not doing. We pay your salary!!!! You are a servant of the PEOPLE. If you do not understand this, you either was asleep in government class or have joined the ranks of the new fascist who will fall in line no matter how ludicrous or illegal the order.
The people who write on this site THINK! Yes, it is unsettling but they do pose questions. Many are afraid of those that think and question. This is not to say the articles presented are correct or without inaccuracies. They may be wrong, dead wrong. However, in every avenue of thought there may be a spark of insight into an historical event or idea. These thinkers actually are the fuel for the democracy and constitutional freedoms that you declare to be defending.
Remember, you defend the CONSTITUTION! When you no longer defend the Constitution you become an ordinary mercenary. GOOD HUNTING!
Thu Dec 13 19:15:08 2001
would the Taliban leave the home without taking this video (if really found there) ?
It just looks like if they let it just for the US.
what a joke ! Even before seeing it, I knew it would be wrongly translated or manipulated.
Re: Yes...
Thu Dec 13 21:02:47 2001
See the site for some interesting info: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com
They knew!
Thu Dec 13 14:50:15 2001
Mohammed Atta knew about it and the highjackers were told of there siuicide mission before they boarded the planes, Leaving them enough time to write a simple suicide mission note.
Thu Dec 13 14:51:37 2001
Osama speaks Arabic since hes from Saudi Arabia. Dick Neck
That which is
arabic reply
Fri Dec 14 10:01:58 2001
Usama is apparently conversant in 15 languages, including english. Which I've heard him speak with my own ears.
I certainly agree with the majority of posters here; this video is a clumsy and obvious fraud.
More lies of the FBI
Thu Dec 13 15:00:06 2001
.......did you say, "BEGINNING" to get clumsy?
More lies of the FBI
Thu Dec 13 15:24:02 2001
Did you say, "BEGINNING to get clumsy".....
From the beginning, you could choke a horse with their so-called "clumsiness".
But is it truly "clumsy". Isn't the true word "contempt", ....that is, contempt of God, and contempt of all those made in His Image and Likeness, which accounts for all of us.
Wouldn't raw and pure contempt believe that everyone else is so clumsy about the truth that even their most brazen lies will go undetected.
Thu Dec 13 17:03:07 2001
Yeah this video seems a little to convincing. Why would
someone make a full and detailed confession for video?
Why does it try to back up any holes in the WTC attack?
Like the fact that jet fuel can't melt steel.
It becomes clear from the video that yes this is Bin Laden
admitting to the crimes but he probably posted the video
to Bush at his request. Its a total set up. I agree with the demand for Bush to be put trial he's already admitted
he saw the first plane crash this video just proves that
Bin Laden and the Government are in on it together.
Yep..The Jet Fuel Remark..Got Cha!
Fri Dec 14 00:55:04 2001
Yeah Agent Bin Laden blew it in the "worst film of the year" when he talked about the jet fuel. That was the remark that got me too
Who knows Usama?
Thu Dec 13 17:26:44 2001
I find it difficult to understand why people suddenly trust the US Government so much. American have ALWAYS watched them like a hawk, mainly with our money. I guess its easier to just follow allow with what ever you are told, verses, learning for yourself what is true and what is false. People have proven how little they know about their own country and still less about the world. It is a common feeling to love the country you live in, no matter which one it is. But American's should learn, how the USA came to be, the fact this great land was stolen from its natives, horrific civil wars, and most of all...What has it TAKEN to become and REMAIN the "superpower" ??
America has alot of good, but it has also much bad that people choose not to see, and often can't, until 20-30 years later when the Government declassifies info. EX: Vietam War---JFK---Desert storm soldiers returning home ill.
These are just a drop in the bucket, but very real. So those American's who make fun of people who stand up for YOUR rights while you sit at home sipping tea, are far from un-american. Voices like mine are just asking for people to see all aspects. A one sided "war" is just that, one sided.
Washington TELLS you, who, what when and why...and thats good enough for you. I wonder, will American's feel the same, when gas, taxes suddenly jump, and layoffs continue with no rehires due to free trade? Heres an estimate of the free trade affect on American workers approx. 600,000 jobs, due to Corporations relocating to other countries. Hey, its cheap labor!!
As for Usama Bin Laden, maybe he dreamed and schemed 9 11 up, maybe he didn't. If I were to base my opinion on what Washington has "said", and kept blinders on to the world,
reality and history, then yes, I to would believe Usama guilty. But Im not that ignorant to assume. Not when it comes to any possible further attack on our Country. I prefer to KNOW with at least some degree, he was the "mastermind". At this point it seems unlikely. But most people will continue to believe what they are told, and seek no where else for confirmation of truth. As for me, I want facts. Usama became a "global threat to ALL humanity" Sept 11, if this is so, why didnt our leaders LET THE PEOPLE KNOW! Also, its the peoples money Washington is spending on the war of US interest, and the innocent blood that is shed is on EVERY American's hands.
If American's looked, they would begin to see. EX: 1st plane hits @ 8:46-----------------last plane to crash @ 10:40. NO interception, why? NO helicopter rescues even ATTEMPTED to save people, why? US bombs prison fortress of inspected Tali-fighters, 600 dead, denies ALL reports.incl Red Cross, Geneva--UN--Amnesty Intl--Human rights watch--AND also denies their new allies disciption the moment after it happened. why? Great Britian refused to investigate when ALL above asked them to, why? The US is being held responsible for the bombings by the UN, why?
Us is getting heavy heat for their assaults mainly this one, in other countries, except here of course, so NOW we present to you...Mr. Walker, just happened to be there from the US, held in the prison the US bombed. coincidence?
The US cannot explain or deny their way out of Maza-Sharif, it is what it is. So Mr. Walker can tell just the opposite of EVERY other world report, and American's will believe it.
So ask yourself American's...do you KNOW Usama, our do you understand the Islamic Faith? And further more, have you looked at a map lately, to see were our Gov. is looking to strike and where they have in the past. Its pretty chilling, but its majority countries or lands occupied by Muslims. The US defense budget is 300billion. Our country for the second time, flattened Afganistan that has NO budget, or why to defend itself. All to get the "suspected" Bin, in which you were denied proof YOUR country claimed.
Ahhh, yes, I forgot, "National Security" was at risk.
Samata Ullah
Hey! Thanks for using my article!!!
Thu Dec 13 19:32:30 2001
That was my article, I thought it up while in bed, it suddenly emerged. Anyway, here is the article with more points (I request people to email some critical commentary of the video to me), I want to update it frequently:
Haroon Sulaiman (South Africa)
Fake Video
Fri Dec 14 06:33:31 2001
Did anybody notice that the Usama in the video (a good few pounds heaveier than the Al Jazeera broadcasts recorded just days earlier) looks like Will Smith in disguise?
It is also strange that only the voice of the purported Usama is inaudible when all the other voices on the video are perfectly clear. Also what can be heard of the Usama voice is clearly different in accent to the aforementioned Al Jazeera broadcasts.
And what about the turban? In one scene Usama neatly folds his turban in his lap and without a break in the video he is seen a second later with the turban still intact.
Inaudible Video
Fri Dec 14 09:04:10 2001
The video has very bad audio quality, inaudible, but yet we know what Osama was saying !! The next video CIA will find might say 'the video is not viewable but you can see Osama doing....(whatever suits them) !! Or perhaps someday they might say we dont have any video or audio but you (people) can still visualize Osama admitting his crime !
I thought humankind was born with intelligence !!!
jet set bin laden
Fri Dec 14 09:18:10 2001
Obl is quoted to have turned on his radio and imediately heard of the first plane striking the north tower, he says "be patient". Obviously he was listening to live reports.
OK here is my point, did anyone notice he switched on the radio at 5:30 pm. Look at a worldmap and you will see that (taking the time of attack as 9:00 am) this would place obl somewhere in central Africa or Europe, most likely to ANGOLA. Are we to believe that he managed to catch a flight at such short notice to get to Afghanistan just in time to get trapped there? Come on!
If you have heard of the Global Hawk/Home run Technology, why was it not employed to prevent 9-11. Bear in mind European Airlines stripped this technology out in favour of their own version. what happened to the SAM launchers placed on top of Tower 2?
Chris Carter said it all, "The truth is out there"!
Product Placement?
Fri Dec 14 09:38:34 2001
One curious thing about the OBL confession tape is the wreckage and equipment displayed half way through, specificly the Pilots equipment including what looked like a gas mask and perhaps a bag ofsome kind with his rank (SGT) name (cant remember) and blood group (O+). next to be pulled out was the dust jacket of a VHS tape. There seems to be a little confusion as to what it is and then we hear referances to "American" and "video". Must I remind every body that this Film was made on VIDEO? Why was a dust jacket being explained? Besides, its Japanese, not American. What happened to the video, as I recal there is only the empty dust jacket, was the video actualy the one doing the recording. If the video did belong to the pilot, it must have been a long flight if he brought along some "in flight entertainment"! When a militery man goes into a conflict situation,he does not have the luxury to take anything except that which is relevent to the mission, if only for the reason that it takes up valuable space!
Next we`ll see Coke and Bud bottles placed in strategic positions.