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投稿者 佐藤雅彦 日時 2001 年 5 月 10 日 02:57:10:



Ψ空耳の丘Ψ13 投稿NO:245 2001/5/10 00:28:12
投稿者: ××
題 名: Re: 小ブッシュ政権の無茶苦茶人事:モンサント社の重役を


シニカルに勘ぐるのは「陰謀なれ」とは関係ない。 政治的な見識の
問題でしょうね。 たしかに米国民主党は共和党と同様、いかがわしい
ですよ。 だから「民主」と名が付けばすぐシッポを振るような阿呆な
偽善的な“環境神経症”には辟易してますよ。 でも民主党政権時代の
思いますけどね。 むろん環境問題は外交の道具にされることもある
外交・環境政策をとれば、孤立するのは米国でしょうな。 世界史は
ない。 20世紀の半ばに冷戦スキームを構築しえたのは、片やソ連、
現在の世界情勢は当時とは全く違う。 にもかかわらず安易に冷戦スキ

紛争の主要標的になる。これは当然の帰結です。 誘拐・暗殺から生物

をごっそり米国に押さえられてしまうでしょうよ。 で、結果的にこの構想
国内の防衛体制の再編を進めている。 つまりミサイル防衛構想の本当の
あって一利なし、という公算が大きい。 でも日本は米国の情婦だから、


● http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010509/ts/arms_japan_usa_dc_2.html

Wednesday May 9 12:01 AM ET
Japan to Become U.S. Center for Global Security

By Kazunori Takada

YOKOTA, Japan (Reuters) - Japan will become the center of the United States' new global security strategy as Washington shifts its focus to Asia from post-Cold War Europe, the commander of U.S. military forces in Japan said.

The United States has been reviewing it s military priority and programs since the new administration under President Bush (news - web sites) came to power in January.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who is to meet Bush later this week to seek final approval of the plans, has outlined a broad shift from planning for a major war in Europe -- which dominated defense thinking before the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 -- toward more emphasis on Asia.

``I think that means that Japan becomes, as we have often said, the very center of the security apparatus in the Asia-Pacific region,'' Lieutenant General Paul Hester, the top commander of U.S. Forces in Japan, told Reuters in an interview this week.

He added that did not necessarily entail changing the nature or scale of the U.S. troop presence in Japan.

``Japan's geographic position provides a wonderful opportunity to carry out that shared vision,'' Hester said, referring to the U.S.-Japan security agreement which aims to provide protection to Japan as well as the greater Asian region.

Senior U.S. officials have said Bush has agreed with the thrust of Rumsfeld's stress on China's growing military as well as the emphasis on Asia as a key region in adapting to the post-Cold War challenges.

Tokyo has been forthcoming in its willingness to strengthen ties with Washington. In 1999, Japan enacted new defense guidelines drawn up by the two countries authorizing Japan to provide logistical support to the U.S. military in the event of an emergency in the region.

The agreement to boost their military alliance to its highest level since the end of World War Two set off fears in China that the stronger ties were aimed at protecting Taiwan in the event of Chinese military action against the island, which it regards as a renegade province.

The cooperative mood is likely to continue, with new Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi saying the U.S.-Japan alliance is the bedrock of Tokyo's diplomatic and security policy. Local newspapers on Wednesday said he plans to fly to Washington for his first state visit to demonstrate that s tance.

Trying To Be Good Neighbors

However, heightened U.S. military involvement could encounter strong opposition from the Japanese public after a collision in February between a U.S. nuclear submarine and a Japanese training trawler left nine Japanese dead.

``Was there, is there still a tension associated with the submarine accident with Ehime-maru (trawler)? Absolutely, and it should raise national tension when we have such a tragic accident as that,'' Hester said.
●「えひめ丸がらみの緊張関係がこれまであったか? そして現在も続いているか? 答えは断固としてイエスだ。しかしこうした悲劇的な事故があれば国民的な緊張が高まるのは当たり前の話だ」とヘスター中将は言う。

Public support for U.S. troops in Japan was already frayed by a series of crimes by American military personnel on the southern Japanese island of Okinawa, which sparked growing calls for a reduction in the number of troops on the island.

A newspaper survey last week showed that while 74 percent of Japanese voters want to maintain the U.S. security pact, nearly two-thirds want to see a gradual reduction of the American military presence on Okinawa.

Of the 48,000 U.S. military personnel stationed in Japan, the tiny tropical island is home to 25,000 U.S. troops -- just over a quarter of the total U.S. military presence in the Asia-Pacific.

Hester said that although he understood calls by local politicians for a reduction in the U.S. presence, it was an issue to be discussed at the top levels.

``Calls are appropriate. Local politicians are representing citizens just as they are elected to do.'' he said.

``But that (the issue of the removal of U.S. troops from Okinawa) is a question to be discussed between the government of Japan and the government of the United States.''

A strong backlash against the U.S. military in Japan erupted in 1995, when a 12-year-old girl in Okinawa was raped by three U.S. servicemen.

Hester said he hoped to be ``good neighbors with Japan'' and programs aimed at preventing further crimes were being conducted especially for young U.S. servicemen on Okinawa.

``We are guests in this great host country. We must work to be good neighb ors.''


● http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010508/ts/arms_japan_usa_dc_1.html
Tuesday May 8 3:01 AM ET
Japan Stops Short of Supporting Bush Missile Plan

By George Nishiyama

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan told a visiting U.S. envoy on Tuesday it understands Washington's missile defense plans but stopped short of offering clear support in an apparent attempt to avoid angering neighboring China.

Japanese officials told U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage that Tokyo shares Washington's concern over the proliferation of ballistic missiles, adding that it understands President Bush (news - web sites)'s idea to set up a system to protect the United States and its allies from such missiles.

``Our country understands the U.S. plan to study missile defenses to tackle the proliferation of ballistic missiles,'' the foreign ministry quoted a senior Japanese official as telling Armitage.

Armitage and his delegation are in Tokyo to seek support for Bush's initiative. They are due to visit South Korea and India later this week.

Asked whether Japan had given a ``positive'' response to the idea, a foreign ministry official said: ``That is up to you to decide.''

He added that Tokyo welcomed Washington's plans to discuss the scheme not only with its allies, but with other nations such as Russia and China.

Moscow and Beijing have long opposed missile defense, saying it would trigger a new arms race. Key U.S. allies in Europe and Canada are also deeply skeptical of the idea.

Push For Regional Missile Defense

While Japanese officials refrained from voicing strong support for Bush's missile defense scheme, they did stress the importance of regional missile defense to protect Japan and U.S. troops based in the country.

``Such a system is vital in the defense policy of our country,'' the foreign ministry official said.

Tokyo and Washington are studying such a defense system, which has met with opposition from China, and Japanese officials agreed with Armitage to continue the project.

Tokyo began looking into the system after North Korea (news - web sites) launched a ballistic missile over Japan in August 1998. But China fears the system could be extended to cover Taiwan, which it views as a renegade province.

Tokyo and Washington boosted their military alliance in 1998 to its highest level since the end of World War Two, setting off fears in China that the stronger ties were aimed at protecting Taiwan in the event of Chinese military action against the island.

China was invaded by Japanese forces in the first half of the 20th century and has repeatedly warned against closer security ties between Japan and the United States.

Apart from a standoff over the security issue, Japan has been locked in bitter disputes with China over a string of trade and diplomatic issues, including a controversial vi sit to Japan last month by former Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui.



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