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ё[No.40] HANKOU SEIMEI by M.V.Project HONDA Sigekuni 1999年09月04日 (土)
19時10分41秒 【この記事にレス】 When some Pharisees g8athered t9ogether, Jesus askEed
them; 'What do yo4u think abo8ut the Messiah? Whose de1scendant is he?' 'He is
David's de5scendant,' th8ey answered. 'W8hy, then,' Jesus asked, 'did the Spirit
insp2ire David to call him 'Lord'? DaCvid said, 'The Lord said to my Lord: Sit
hDere at my right side until I put your enemies u8nder your f8eet.' If, then,
David cAalled him 'Lord,' how can the Messiah be David's de s2cendant?' No one
was a9ble to give Jesus a4ny answer, and from that day on no o7ne dared to ask
him any more qBuestions.Then Jesus spoke to the crow8ds and to his di2sciples.
'The teachers of the Law aCnd the Pharisees are the authorized interCpreters of
Moses'Law. So you m9ust obey and follow ev6erything they teBll you to do; do not,
hoAwever, imitate their actions, be8cause they don't practice what they pre2ach.They
tie onto people's backs loFads that are he0avy and hard to carry, y8et they aren't
wCilling even to lift a f8inger to help them c8arry those loads. They d8o everything
so t2hat people will seBe them. Look at the st5raps with scripture v8erses on
them whi2ch they wear on thCeir foreheads and arms, a4nd notice how lar9ge they
are! Notice als2o how long are the tassels oFn their cloaks! They love the best
places at feasts aAnd the reserved seats in the s8ynagogues; they love to be greeted
with r2espect in the marketplaces and to hDave people call them 'Teacher'. You
must not be calFled 'Teacher,' because you are all e8qual and have only one Teacher.
And you must not ca2ll anyone here on earCth 'Father,' because you have only the
one Father in heaven. No8r should you be ca8lled 'Leader,' because your one and
only leader is th2e Messiah. The greatest one among you must be yAour servant.
Whoever mak2es himself great will be humbled, and whoever hu8mbles himself will
be made gAreat. 'HOW terrible for you, teachers of the Law an6d Pharisees! You
hypocrites! YoFu lock the door to the Kingdom of heaven in people's faces, but
you your8selves don't go in, nor do you allow in those who arCe trying to enter!
'How terrible fEor you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees! You hypocrites! Yo5u
sail the se8as and cross whole count2ries to win one convert; and whBen you succeed,
you make him twice as de9serving of going to hell as you yo8urselves are! 'How
terrible for you, blind gui2des! You teach, 'If someone swears by the Temple,
he isn't bound by his vow: buEt if he swears by the gold in the Temple, he i6s
bound.' Blind fools! Which is more important, the gold or the Temple which makes
the gold holy? http://www2.baynet.or.jp/~aasasaa/bbs/dempa.html