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「BREAKING: Marxist Medical Boards Strip Top Dr. Peter McCullough’s Medical Credentials
for Speaking the Truth About COVID Vaccine」
(By Jim Hoft Gateway Pundit 2022/10/29)
彼は循環器専門医で、ベイラー大学メディカルセンター内科副部長、テキサスA&M大学教授を歴任した。また、専門誌「Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine」と「Cardiorenal Medicine」の編集長を務めていた。彼は、以前から、ヒドロキシクロロキンを含むCOVID-19の早期治療の提唱者である。
マッカロー博士は、ラジオ局WJAS 1320AMのRose Unpluggedのインタビューの中で、こう語った。「今、憂慮すべき事態が起きている。4400人以上の死者と14000人以上の入院患者が発生しています...これはおそらく氷山の一角に過ぎません」
さらに、Covid-19ワクチンは社会的脅威となり、"社会的武器化 "されていることを説明した。
土曜日、マッカロー博士はスティーブ・カーシュ氏に、Cardiorenal MedicineとReviews in Cardiovascular Medicineの編集長を解任されたことを伝えた。また、医学委員会から医師免許を剥奪された。
私は、Cardiorenal MedicineとReviews in Cardiovascular Medicineの編集長を、長年勤め上げ、インパクトファクターも上がってきたところで解任されました。 電話も、理事会も、正当な手続きもありませんでした。 電子メールか内容証明郵便だけである。 強力な闇の力が、ワクチンに対するあらゆる抵抗勢力を排除するために、医学界に働いているのです。
「ピーター・マッカロー博士 『2価ワクチンの動物実験は失敗、臨床試験もしていない 違法である』
(CHD.TV / 連新社訳)」 (拙稿 2022/10/12)
「ピーター・マッカロー博士 『劣化したmRNAを接種しているので被害が少なくてすんでいる』
(INFOWAR / タマホイ訳)」 (拙稿 2022/9/26)
「ピーター・マッカロー博士 『ワクチンには見当はずれの主張が4つあります』」 (拙稿 2022/8/28)
(Gateway To Freedom タマホイ訳)」
「米上院議員ロン・ジョンソンの聴聞会 ロバート・マローン博士、ピーター・マッカロー博士などが参加」
(拙稿 2022/1/26)
One of the most respected doctors in the world and top cardiologists and epidemiologist in the country had his license revoked for speaking the truth about the danger of COVID vaccines.
Dr. McCullough is an Internist, Cardiologist, and Epidemiologist who testified to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs in November 2020.
Dr. McCullough is a cardiologist and was vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor at Texas A&M University. McCullough is editor-in-chief of the journals Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiorenal Medicine. He was and is an advocate for early COVID-19 treatment that included hydroxychloroquine.
He’s been right about everything throughout the pandemic.
He is one of the first doctors who sounded the alarm on the Covid-19 vaccines and explained how they all make the dangerous Wuhan spike protein.
“It’s alarming right now we have had over 4400 deaths and 14,000 hospitalizations….That is probably only the tip of the iceberg,” Dr. McCullough said in an interview with Rose Unplugged on 1320 AM WJAS.
He said pregnant women, women of child-bearing years, children or healthy people under 50 should not get the Covid jab.
Dr. McCullough explained how all Covid-19 vaccines produce the dangerous Wuhan spike protein and what that does to a person’s body.
He added that Covid-19 vaccines have become a social menace and explained how it has been “socially weaponized.”
According to McCullough, the Covid-19 pandemic was premeditated by public health officials working in tandem with medical elites, and the evidence for this had been made clear well before the first reports of a Covid outbreak in late 2019, during an interview with Joe Rogan.
In order to promote mass adoption of the experimental vaccine, McCullough says health officials purposefully suppressed treatments and refrained from compiling a treatment protocol to combat the virus, in hopes that people would be so afraid that they would just take the jab.
McCullough, who’s also an epidemiologist, isn’t just spouting off wild baseless claims. He explained his reasoning behind his shocking conclusion by walking through the “Bradford Hill Tenets of Causality,” in order to demonstrate the link between the vaccines and the current wave of excess deaths.
The Bradford Hill Tenets are widely considered to be the standard when evaluating cause and effect. It is regularly used in public health research and is defined as “a group of nine principles that can be useful in establishing epidemiologic evidence of a causal relationship between a presumed cause and an observed effect, according to Wikipedia.
On Saturday, Dr. McCullough informed Steve Kirsch that he was terminated as the Editor-In-Chief of Cardiorenal Medicine and Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. His medical credentials was also stripped by the medical boards.
From Steve Kirsch Substack:
I was terminated as the Editor-In-Chief of Cardiorenal Medicine and Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine after years of service and rising impact factors. There was no phone call, no board meeting, no due process. Just e-mails or certified letters. Powerful dark forces are working in academic medicine to expunge any resistance to the vax.
Yesterday I was stripped of my board certifications in Internal Medicine and Cardiology after decades of perfect clinical performance, board scores, and hundreds of peer reviewed publications.
None of this will stop until there is a “needle in every arm.”
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