匿名党 2020年10月22日木曜日 バイデン一家=統一教会系シナキムチマネロン・ファミリーがほぼ確定 Hunter biz partner details Joe Biden's China dealings: Goodwin nypost.com › 2020/10/22 › hunter-biz-partner-confirm... 6 hours ago — Bobulinski unloads his bill of accusations in blunt but precise ... I am the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the ... Hunter Biden's ex-business partner says Joe Biden talked to ... www.dailymail.co.uk › news › article-8866713 › Hunte... 4 hours ago — Tony Bobulinski issued a statement on Wednesday saying that he personally ... I am the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership ... Hunter Biden business partner speaks out after New York Post ... thebl.com › us-news › hunter-biden-business-partner-sp... 2 hours ago — “What I am outlining is fact,” Bobulinski continued. “I know it is fact because I lived it. I am the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings, a partnership ... SINOHAWK HOLDINGS LLC
Company Number 6412130 Incorporation Date 15 May 2017 (over 3 years ago) Company Type Limited Liability Company Jurisdiction Delaware (US) Agent Name UNITED CORPORATE SERVICES, INC Agent Address 874 WALKER RD STE C, DOVER, Kent, DE, 19904 Directors / Officers UNITED CORPORATE SERVICES, INC, agent →Dollar General
→China King これはもうだめかもしれんね。(爆wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Hunter biz partner details Joe Biden's China dealings: Goodwin nypost.com › 2020/10/22 › hunter-biz-partner-confirm... 6 hours ago — ... who describes himself as a former partner of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden and Joe's brother Jim in the China scheme. Bobulinski unloads his bill ... Hunter Biden's ex-business partner says Joe ... - Daily Mail www.dailymail.co.uk › news › article-8866713 › Hunte... 4 hours ago — Tony Bobulinski said he was Hunter Biden's business partner in 2017 ... The remaining 20 per cent was split with 10 per cent going to 'Jim' who ... Hunter Biden business partner speaks out after New York Post ... thebl.com › us-news › hunter-biden-business-partner-sp... 2 hours ago — The other 'JB' referenced in that email is Jim Biden, Joe's brother.” Bobulinski disputes Joe Biden's claims that he never talks to his son about ... NY Post: Ex-Biden Business Partner Says Joe Was In On ... www.cnsnews.com › article › national › susan-jones › n... 2 hours ago — H is Hunter, and "the big guy" is Joe Biden, Bobulinski said. Bobulinski, in ... The other “JB” referenced in that email is Jim Biden, Joe's brother. で、 The Benefits of Being Joe Biden's Brother — ProPublica www.propublica.org › article › the-profitable-business-... Feb 14, 2020 — Jim Biden has been at his brother's side at nearly every critical junction in Joe's life. He's also repeatedly tapped into Joe's political network for ... Works written: Promises to Keep
James Biden's health care ventures face a growing legal ... www.politico.com › news › 2020/03/09 › james-biden-... Mar 9, 2020 — Questions are swirling about the business dealings of Joe Biden's brother. ... “That linkage was supposed to come via Jim Biden via whatever ... Biden, Inc.: How 'Middle Class' Joe's family cashed in on the ... www.politico.com › magazine › story › 2019/08/02 › j... Aug 2, 2019 — Over his decades in office, the Biden family's fortunes have closely tracked the former vice ... Sun Myung Moon, Jim Biden, Allen Stanford. Along the way, James partnered with his nephew Hunter, the younger of Joe’s two sons. A graduate of Georgetown University and Yale Law School, Hunter, 49, has struggled with substance abuse while hopscotching between endeavors in law, business and politics.
SCANDAL-PLAGUED HEDGE FUND Paradigm was the brainchild of James Park, a son-in-law of the billionaire Sun Myung Moon, who claimed to be the messiah and founded the Unification movement, a religious group often accused of being a cult and whose members are known as Moonies. Started by Park in 1989, Paradigm was an early entrant in the hedge fund industry and among the first funds of funds — that is, a hedge fund that invested in other hedge funds. The Biden involvement began in January 2006. James Biden called Anthony Lotito, a New York financial adviser, and said his older brother, Joe, wanted his son Hunter to find a job outside of lobbying to avoid damaging his planned campaign for the presidency, according to a complaint Lotito later filed in a New York court, after his relationship with James and Hunter soured. In a court filing of their own, James and Hunter denied that such a call took place as described, but it is undisputed that Lotito, James and Hunter were soon exploring a purchase of Paradigm together. According to court filings, James Biden and Lotito had been introduced years earlier by Tom Scotto, a former president of New York’s Detectives' Endowment Association, a union, around 2002. A year before, Scotto had been named an unindicted co-conspirator by federal prosecutors in an organized crime scheme — described at the time as the largest securities fraud bust in U.S. history — to bribe union leaders in order to access union pension funds. Scotto, who denied wrongdoing at the time, declined to comment on his relationship with James Biden and Lotito. After their introduction, a firm owned by Lotito, Globex Financial Advisors, began doing business with one owned by James, Lion Hall Group. Lotito and Biden later co-founded a company called Americore International Security, a private security firm, according to court filings. Not much is known about Americore, though James Biden said in court filings that the business was not successful. Lotito did not respond to requests for comment. By 2006, Lotito, James and Hunter were eyeing a purchase of Paradigm. James and Hunter brought in Larry Rasky, a lobbyist and longtime Biden adviser, who at one point, according to court records, was going to provide $1 million in financing. Rasky did not respond to a request for comment. They also obtained $1 million in financing from SimmonsCooper, a St. Louis-area law firm with a thriving practice representing asbestos victims. Partners in the firm had befriended the Biden sons, steering business to Beau’s Delaware law firm and donations to Biden’s campaign coffers. SimmonsCooper’s interests aligned with Joe Biden’s views. He was a prominent opponent of the creation of an asbestos trust fund, a measure that would have curtailed lawsuits related to the cancer-causing fibers. Things quickly got messy. The prospective purchasers discovered that because of an accounting trick, the fund had only a fraction of the $1.5 billion in assets under management that it claimed, according to court filings. James and Hunter also discovered that the attorney the trio had hired on Lotito’s recommendation to explore the purchase, John Fasciana, had recently been convicted on 12 counts of fraud, according to court filings. Fasciana declined to comment, citing attorney-client confidentiality rules. Messages left at a number listed in Lotito’s name were not returned. Despite the problems with the fund and souring relations with Lotito, James and Hunter charged ahead with their acquisition of Paradigm. They purchased the fund without him in August 2006, not for cash, but for an $8.1 million promissory note. Lotito later sued James and Hunter in New York state court, accusing them of fraudulently acquiring Paradigm behind his back. Lotito claimed in his complaint that Hunter had entered into an employment agreement with Paradigm that entitled Hunter to draw an annual salary of $1.2 million. James and Hunter counter-sued, and James stated in an affidavit that he, Hunter and a firm they had formed with Lotito had lost $1.3 million in their initial attempt to acquire Paradigm. All parties voluntarily dropped their claims in December 2008. According to an agreement Lotito and James made with Paradigm in May 2006 that later surfaced in their court fight, they had planned to use their connections to union pension funds governed by the 1947 Taft–Hartley Act, which regulates labor unions, in order to steer new investments to Paradigm. The documents corroborate the recollections of the three executives who said James and Hunter sought to tap Joe’s union ties. At one point after the Bidens purchased the fund, one of the executives recalled, groups of firefighters started trekking up in small groups to Paradigm’s offices and leaving him checks for a few thousand dollars each, about 10 in total over the course of a few days. Firefighters unions have been among Joe Biden’s closest political allies since the start of his political career. The Paradigm executive said the checks were never cashed. Generally, legal restrictions and fund policies mean only the rich can invest directly in hedge funds, and only in much higher increments than a couple thousand dollars. A spokesman for James and Hunter said no such episode occurred. Another of the former executives recalled that Paradigm abandoned plans to pursue Taft–Hartley pension funds because of the prospect of “perceived conflicts.” As soon as James and Hunter — without Lotito — took control of Paradigm, they ordered the firing of the fund’s president, Stephane Farouze. Farouze, who had been in a dispute about equity with the fund’s previous owner, later sued James, Hunter and Lotito in New York state, accusing them of engaging in an “elaborate scheme” to defraud him out of his ownership stake in Paradigm. Farouze alleged that James and Hunter entered into a contract with him to buy out his share in the fund without ever intending to abide by it, as part of a ploy to steal his share. The case was dismissed. Farouze did not respond to requests for comment. James and Hunter set about reorganizing the fund, installing Provini as its president in 2007. h ttps://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/08/02/joe-biden-investigation-hunter-brother-hedge-fund-money-2020-campaign-227407 、、、(爆wwwwwwwwwwww
2015年5月31日日曜日 バイデン米副大統領の長男が死去 バイデン米副大統領の長男が死去、脳腫瘍で 46歳 2015.05.31 Sun posted at 13:52 JST ワシントン(CNN) ジョー・バイデン米副大統領の長男でデラウェア州司法長官を務めたボー・バイデン氏が30日、脳腫瘍(しゅよう)で死去した。46歳だった。 米ホワイトハウスが同日夜に発表した。 ボー氏は2006年から2期8年にわたってデラウェア州の司法長官を務めた後、次期州知事選に出馬する意向を示していた。長官在任中の08年には米軍部隊とともにイラクにも赴いた。 10年に軽い脳卒中を起こしたものの、後遺症は残らなかった。しかし13年の休暇中にめまいなどを訴えて倒れ、脳腫瘍と診断された。手術で摘出したが今年春に再発し、メリーランド州の病院で治療を受けていた。30日の夕方、親族に見守られて息を引き取った。 ボー氏の母で副大統領の前妻、ネイリアさんは1972年に交通事故で死亡した。一緒に車に乗っていた子どもたちのうち、1歳の妹も亡くなったが、当時2歳だったボー氏は弟とともに助かった。 父ジョー氏はその直後に上院議員に就任したが、息子たちの子育てにも時間を惜しまなかったという。同氏は77年に現在の妻、ジルさんと再婚した。 ボー氏には妻との間に2人の子どもがいる。ジョー氏は30日、ボー氏をしのんで「仕事上の業績ばかりでなく、夫として父親としての自分、息子や兄としての自分を省みる姿勢を忘れなかった」「私の父はかつて、子育てが成功したことは子どもが自分を超えた時に分かると話していた。ボーはまさにその言葉通りの息子だった」と述べた。 h ttp://www.cnn.co.jp/usa/35065232.html これまた分かりやすい・・・ h ttp://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2015/05/blog-post_804.html
Posted by てんこもり野郎 at 20:14 5 件のコメント: 匿名 さんのコメント... ジャズの巨匠K・ジャレット氏、脳卒中で復帰ほぼ不可能に 2020年10月22日 5:29 発信地:ニューヨーク/米国 [ 米国 北米 ] URYYYYYYY ! 言ってたのに脳卒中ですかw 2020年10月22日 23:14 匿名 さんのコメント... そのうち Laundry Joe そして Sweep out Joe とか言われそうですね 2020年10月23日 7:54 ご近所 さんのコメント... ワイにビシバシ写真撮られまくった豊中家庭教会信者の皆サマナその他ちょー涙目www #必ず証拠を残す馬鹿 #FBI登録オメ #はい特定 #ヤサ特定 #一生監視おめでとう #テロリスト認定おめでとう #当然知ってた #お前らだけ知らなかった #はい職場特定 #はい家族特定 #生きてて恥ずかしくないですか そうそう、合同結婚式のノボリもこの前撮ったのでインスタにうプしたらまた書き込みます^^ 明日も歯医者行く時また真ん前通るので面白いもんあったらまた撮って晒しまあすwww 2020年10月23日 10:06 おじじ さんのコメント... あのアメリカのネットメディア””に大統領選討論会の印象を書き込んでみたんだ。 二人から返信があって、あんたは完璧に理解している、賢い奴だ、とか言われて驚いた。 I'm Japanese and can listen English a little bit. Let me say my impression of debate although I'm not American citizen. Sleepy Joe was talking awkwardly and sometimes haltingly. Whoever can trust him for USA management from now on 4 years? I think if he'll get the position, he will only become Robot as Democratic deep state operators will control the government. Harris, too. 2020年10月23日 13:54 ご近所 さんのコメント... おや? なんか書き込みが変な事になってますなあw #はい合同結婚式 今日豊中家庭教会の前通ったんで 合同結婚式のノボリの画像、あげときましたw #FBI登録オメ #必ず証拠を残す馬鹿 #一生監視おめでとう #テロリスト認定おめでとう #ヤサ特定 #はい職場特定 #はい家族特定 #はいロックオン 2020年10月25日 0:13 h ttps://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2020/10/blog-post_22.html