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【緊急】ハーバード大教授がケムトレイルで地球温暖化を防止へ → 失敗すれば5年以内に大飢饉発生・人類滅亡も
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ハーバード大学教授Frank Keutsch氏率いる研究チームは、上述の冷却効果を再現するため、水分、炭酸カルシウム、炭酸アルミニウム、“ダイヤモンド”などを成層圏に散布し、人工的にエアロゾル層を形成するという。しかし、地球温暖化を世界規模で劇的に緩和する特効薬として期待される一方、その危険性を指摘する専門家も少なくない。
Frank Keutsch教授「Harvard University」より引用
たとえば、英「ハドレー気候研究センター(Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research)」は、成層圏への化学物質投入は北アフリカに深刻な干ばつをもたらす恐れがあると指摘。さらに、「米国立大気研究センター」のケヴィン・トレンバース氏も、安全性が保証されていない技術を無闇に使用すれば、大規模な災害を引き起こす危険性があると警鐘を鳴らしている。
人口削減となると随分と陰謀論チックになるが、これが意外と的を射た指摘かもしれない。というのも、人口削減計画を積極的に行っていると言われているマイクロソフト共同創業者ビル・ゲイツ氏も、今回の計画に興味を示し、出資も検討しているからだ(英紙「The Guardian」3月29日付)。
果たして、科学的にも陰謀論的にも問題だらけの「エアロゾル・インジェクション」は本当に実行されるのだろうか? 科学者の中には、ゆるやかな温暖化の後に、本格的な気候変動による突然の氷河期が訪れるとする声も少なくない。特に温暖化と水循環の関係は様々な科学者が警鐘を鳴らしており、このまま温暖化が進めば北極やグリーンランドの氷が溶けて結果的に海水温度が下がるとみられている。
参考:「」、「The Guardian」、「」、ほか
HARVARD SCIENTISTS ARE GOING TO USE CHEMTRAILS TO 'FIGHT CLIMATE CHANGE' Share 2.4K The largest solar geoengineering program in the world is about to be launched in the US within the next few weeks. The program is from the Harvard University and costs US$20 million. The scientists behind the program will send injections of aerosol 20km into the stratosphere with the hope of accessing the feasibility of the technique as a way of fixing global warming. The whole purpose of the experiment is to simulate, safely, the cooling effects in the atmosphere of a big volcanic eruption. This is the largest program in solar engineering to ever have been considered, with scientists intending to undertake two dispersals of small-scale, by 2022. The first of the dispersals will put water out into the stratosphere, while the second disperses particles of calcium carbonate. Scientists hope that in the future more tests will be undertaken to include seeding the upper atmosphere with either aluminum oxide or diamonds. TESTS WILL MIMIC NATURAL ALTERATIONS CAUSED BY VOLCANIC ERUPTION RELATED ARTICLES Stonehenge, Easter Island, Venice: Climate change to destroy human history?Climate Change Theory Debunked By Cern In This Video Techniques such as these copies the natural alterations made to the typical radiation balance of Earth, which is generally seen following a volcanic eruption of large scale. One example was said to be the Mount Pinatubo eruption in 1991 when the global temperature dropped by 0.5C. Another example was when Mount Tambora erupted in 1815 the Earth was cooled and results were more sinister as it resulted in crop failure, disease and famine. In 2013 a study from the Met Office gave the warning that if fine particles are dispersed into the stratosphere there could be a drought in North Africa that would be disastrous. UNPREDICTABLE AND DANGEROUS RESULTS BRING OPPOSITION Due to the unpredictability and the possibility of the range of results being dangerous, the Harvard University program has been met with some opposition from those in the scientific community. There is the fear that technical fixes which are unproven may take the focus from mitigation efforts that have had proven results. One of the United Nations intergovernmental panel lead authors, Kevin Trenberth, said that solar geoengineering wasn’t the answer. He went on to say that by cutting the incoming solar radiation it has an effect on the weather, along with the hydrological cycle, and could bring about drought along with causing destabilization and even war. Trenberth added that there may be many side effects and pointed out that the models are not good enough to be able to predict the outcomes. The Harvard scientists behind the program have acknowledged that geoengineering should be seen to work alongside the reduction of emissions instead of it being a substitute. However, they have said that it is imperative to find out if geoengineering would work, in the event that all else fails and there is the need to use it. The atmospheric sciences professor, Frank Keutsch, in charge of the program said that the deployment of the solar geoengineering system was a prospect that terrified him. He also said that people shouldn’t choose to be ignorant about knowledge in such a situation as this. RELATED ARTICLES NASA Just Released This Video: 100 Years Of Climate Change In 20 SecondsThis Secret VHS Tape Could Have Stopped Climate Change Decades Ago READ MORE:
米政権交代で弾み?「温暖化CO2主因説」の再検証 ケムトレイルで 地球温暖化あっさり解決? 議論中心は太平洋 長期対策
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