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(回答先: ドイツの音楽はドイツの真空管アンプで聴こうよ 投稿者 中川隆 日時 2017 年 4 月 10 日 19:58:06)

German Physiks 友の会
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2020年 02月 03日
German Physiks News Letter 「友の会」の紹介記事
ジャーマンフィジックスのホームページに、我々の「German Physiks 友の会」の活動が紹介されました。英文のままですが、とてもわかりやすいので、このまま転載いたします。ただ、本文にあわせて、写真は増やしてあります。
The Japanese German Physiks appreciation society
Welcome to our first newsletter of 2020. Our thanks to all of you who have stuck with us and a warm welcome to new subscribers.Casting around for a topic for this month’s newsletter we decided to tell how a request for a pair of replacement DDD drivers from Japan lead to the formation of a German Physiks appreciation society there.
In the beginning…
In June 2012 we were contacted by a customer in Japan who had bought a used pair of our Unicorn Mk I loudspeakers. These were 14 years old at the time and long out of production. This model used one titanium diaphragm DDD driver to cover the entire range from 21,500Hz to 55Hz.
In all other German Physiks loudspeakers, the DDD driver is rolled off at around 200Hz and the bass is handled by one or more conventional woofers. This is because the stiffness of the DDD driver’s surround limits the diaphragm excursion, thereby limiting the low bass output.
On the Unicorn Mk I, the DDD driver was coupled to a horn system that extended the low-end response down to 55Hz. On the current Unicorn Mk II, which uses a carbon fibre DDD driver, the bass is extended to 40Hz. A more detailed explanation of the Unicorn horn design may be found in Newsletter number 5.
The original titanium DDD drivers were quite fragile and those on this customer’s Unicorns had sustained some minor dents in the diaphragm. The customer wanted to restore his loudspeakers to their original condition, so he ordered a pair of new drivers. This was not a problem, as we can repair or provide a replacement for any DDD driver we have ever made.
About a month after these had been shipped the customer got back in touch. He was extremely pleased with how his restored Unicorns sounded. The DDD drivers we shipped to him were an improved version of those originally fitted and they sounded noticeably better.
Our customer turned out to be a very enthusiastic audiophile who ran an audiophile group in Tokyo. He had a lot of equally enthusiastic audiophile friends and had invited a number of them around to listen to his “new” loudspeakers. Several liked what they heard so much, that they wanted Unicorns for their own systems.
A discussion followed with our customer and he ordered six pairs of the Unicorn Mk I for his friends. Building a product that was long out of production posed a few challenges, but we got there.
The pictures above shows the “new” Unicorn Mk Is in the owner’s home.
What happened next…
Our customer then decided to look at two of our other out of production models: the Troubadour 40, which used a single titanium DDD driver and the Troubadour 80, which used a pair of titanium DDD drivers. Neither model had much output below 200Hz, so in most installations these were paired with a sub-woofer. Our customer decided to make his own sub-woofer in order to get the particular quality of bass that he liked.
The picture shows a prototype. This used two 10-inch drivers, one on the front and one on the back of the cabinet. On the top is a Troubadour 40. You can also see part of the customer’s extensive open reel tape machine collection. On the left of the back wall are three Nagra Ts and on the right, four Nagra 4s. As we said, he is a serious audiophile.
The final products…
The prototype eventually resulted in the design shown above, paired here with a Troubadour 80. The grey box on the right is the Troubadour’s EQ network. This attenuates the very low bass that would otherwise damage the drivers. The woofer network is in the wooden box behind it.
A second sub-woofer design using 18-inch drivers was later produced, seen on the back wall of the listening room of an open reel tape machine fan with an even bigger collection.
German Physiks 友の会
The Troubadour 80/sub-woofer system proved popular and a significant number have since been sold in Japan to members of the audiophile group. This lead to the formation of a German Physiks appreciation society - 友の会 - in Tokyo. The membership consists of existing owners and those interested in German Physiks loudspeakers. Members gather once a year at a restaurant, owned by an audiophile of course, where they enjoy good food and drink and then listen to German Physiks loudspeakers.
The pictures above were taken at the November 2019 meeting of the German Physiks appreciation society. The members, having dined well are enjoying some music with their wine. Notice how they are spread out across the room. This is because the DDD driver creates stereo images with the correct tonal balance that can be enjoyed in almost any position in the room - just like in a concert hall.
You can’t do that with conventional loudspeakers!
So there we are. From a replacement pair of DDD drivers to a German Physiks appreciation society, via a sub-woofer.
Until next time…
January 2020 | Newsletter No. 9
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