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(回答先: 右であれ左であれ、わが祖国日本【天木直人・日本の動きを伝えたい】3/12 投稿者 天木ファン 日時 2007 年 3 月 14 日 17:26:28)
このような保守派、体制派、右翼同士の争いは 米国の不当な対日外交がこれからもますます増えていくに従って、広がっていくであろう。歴史認識や北朝鮮外交にとどまらず、対中外交、米軍再編、に関する米国の法外な協力要請、米国産牛肉の輸入再開圧力など、日本が米国に裏切られ、搾取される問題が今後も続出していく。それらを前にして、それでも日本は米国に従属し続けなければならないのかという根本問題が保守、体制、右翼の中でますます表面化していく。左翼は黙って高みの見物を決め込めばいいのである。
The Comfort Women Issue Now Became the Issue Among The Conservatives
The issues of Japan’s responsibility concerning historical misconduct of militarism, including the comfort women’s issue, will be the major controversy between the conservatives and the liberals or putting it into more ideological term between the right and the left.
Now the comfort women’s issue seems to become the issue among the conservatives.
The Japanese Government and conservatives people of Japan was against the movement of US Congress to pass the draft bill of Japan’s Comfort Women’s Issue due to the fact that the draft bill was not based upon the accurate historical fact.
But once the US media started criticizing such attitude of Japan unfair and the senior staffs of US Government said they cannot defend Japan, Japanese Government and bureaucrats changed their attitude and stopped criticizing. This change of Japanese Government's attitude infuriated the rightist people in Japan and they started to criticize the Government and the bureaucrats.
The split among the conservatives who are in principle supports the Government’s pro-American policy will be coming more to the surface as US is making light of Japan and attaches more importance to China than US – Japan alliance.
The leftist people who have been always the target of attack by the rightists will be better to watch such a split of the conservatives and enjoy watching it.
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