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投稿者 夢の中でランデブー 日時 2007 年 1 月 05 日 20:05:48: g.74HMK5rhQXg

(回答先: Re: クリストファー・ストーリーの1月2日付けアップデート情報:長官が逮捕されたという主張に依然変更なし。 投稿者 夢の中でランデブー 日時 2007 年 1 月 04 日 18:46:10)







だが、コットレット氏(Michael C. Cottrell)は,一切自由の立場にあるようで、彼は、いかなるメディアのインタビューや問い合わせにトコトン応じるという。彼の直接の電話番号も公表されており(以下にリンクした),日本の報道関係は,この事件を勉強した上で,彼にインタビューを試みるといいだろう。



“Cottrell verified on Wednesday Paulson was recently held in custody and then subsequently released by German officials for trying to divert the Wanta funds and refusal to honor and agreement entered into with Wanta in May to repatriate the vast sum of money.”

“Concerning the recent incident in Germany, Cottrell told the Arctic Beacon Wednesday that Paulson was detained by German authorities since Paulson asked the German Chancellor personally to divert the Wanta funds, amounting to a fraudulent and illegal action.”



“He was held and released,” said Cottrell, “with the stipulation that if he releases the money to Ambassador Wanta as previously agreed upon, all charges will be dropped.”

“This is a huge story in Europe as major banks are concerned of possible defaults that could worse than what happened in the ‘Great Depression’. I want the American people to know that all the information released at worldreports.org comes from me. We chose to release it in diary form to let the parties know we are serious about getting the U.S. government to honor the $4.5 trillion agreement.


“Both the White House and officials and the U.S. Treasury have neither confirmed or denied whether Paulson was detained by German officials. Further no reports have surfaced in either the mainstream American and European news outlets.”


“Further, Arctic Beacon and World Reports differ on who are the real culprits behind the scene blocking the Wanta settlement, the Arctic Beacon questioning Vatican horseplay while World Reports saying this is out of the question and preposterous.”

“This is really the only place that Christopher Story and I differ,"












また米国のAM,FM,短波ラジオ世界で最近人気を博しているというカネ政治経済番組Follow the Money http://www.patkiley.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14&Itemid=29

またジェフレンズで有名な独立系の論者、(に反対するユダヤ人論者として有名。といっても最近キリスト教に改宗したか,記憶が定かではない)ヘンリー・メイコウ博士Henry Makow Ph.Dが2005年,3月、ストーリーの報告(彼の著賞から)を紹介していたことも判明した。彼は以下のようにストーリーに非常に敬意を払っている。


“ In the latest issue of "World Currency Review," veteran British intelligence analyst Christopher Story warns us to expect a tyranny in America worse than Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia. I'll elaborate below. “


" Christopher Story is the author of "The New Underworld Order: Triumph of Criminalism and the Global Hegemony of Masonic Intelligence,"(available from amazon.com.uk)

I haven't read it yet but I have read the latest (winter 2004-2005) issue of his "International Currency Review."

Story has extensive contacts in the Intelligence Community. Essentially his view is that, despite the supposed "fall" of Communism (See Anatoly Golitsyn's The Perestroika Deception) the Illuminati bankers continue to use Russia, and specifically the KGB successor agencies to foster their world tyranny, which he defines as:

"The destruction of the nation state and its replacement by regional and global governance systems, with a small, self-appointed elite controlling the world's resources at the expense of everyone else, for their own benefit. This is the essence of the world revolution through which we are living."

Story says that this "revolution" uses corruption and criminalism as instruments. Soviet intelligence operatives were literally retrained as criminals and infiltrated into Europe and the U.S. He says the US intelligence community also is used to foster moral corruption partly to blackmail and bribe holders of public office. No elected official "can move," he says.

"In this coup d'etat by installments, the US intelligence community has impregnated and corrupted the republican form of democratic governance by blackmail...and by always ensuring that its own personnel occupy the most important policymaking posts. In this respect there is no difference between the US and Soviet Systems."

This is literally true in terms of personnel. The list of "former" KBG generals working for the new Dept of Homeland Security includes Yevgeny Primakov, Alaxander Karpov and Oleg Kalugin. These men continue to serve "the covert Communist Party of the Soviet Union." (82)

The Dept. of Homeland Security, headed by Israeli-US joint citizen Michael Chertoff, is accountable to the President only. Its entire dealings are secret. It operates with impunity.

Story writes: "The language of Patriot Act II is believed to be lifted almost verbatim from...the Soviet Internal Security Enhancement Act (1965). A system of internal spying is being installed...along East German STASI lines [with help of consultant] East German STASI General Marcus Wolf." (130)

In an interview, Primakov volunteered that when the National Identity Card act (NICA) is passed, the Posse Comitatus Act is overturned, and other forms of repressive legislation are approved, "the White House will have acquired greater control over the American people than the Kremlin could exert when Stalin was alive." (82)

Story says that "the volume of official criminal operations and funds stolen have exceeded mind boggling numbers...only the most draconian control mechanisms can ever guarantee the immunity of all the high-level perpetrators...from exposure, arrest, indictment or worse." (110)

He reminds us of George H.W. Bush's comment that "if the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts."

The "draconian control mechanisms" include the construction of an American Gulag, a system of "prison camps" in army installations, euphemistically known as the "Civilian Inmate Labor Program." The same thing has happened in Canada.


Christopher Story is describing the stealth Communist takeover of the USA. How better do it when everyone is thinking Muslims, and our elected officials are too corrupt and compromised to protect us?

The Illuminati puppeteers appear to be setting the stage for a world war between the US and Israel on the one hand, and Iran, Russia and possibly Europe and China on the other. The Iraq war is a proxy war like the Spanish Civil War. According to Story, the Russian GPU prepared the Iraqi insurgency.

World War may be preceded by a breakdown in the world financial system prompted by financial and criminal excesses or the abandonment of the US dollar.

Or a "terrorist" event could provide an excuse to impose martial law, the draft, confiscate gold etc.

I almost didn't write this week. I felt like taking a break from this stuff. Spring is teasing us here in the North where I live. The days are getting longer.

Divorced from our real history, we are taught to think of concentration camp, plague, mass slaughter and secret police as things from a benighted past.

The events of Sept 11 have brought us back to rude reality. The forces responsible for the excesses of Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia are responsible for 9-11. They still rule the world.

The Internet is abuzz. The American sheeple are stirring. Wolves have slaughtered some at the edges. Three thousand at the World Trade Center; ten thousand in Iraq; some reporters.

The sheeple hope they will be spared if they keep their head down and play stupid. If history is an indication, this won't be the case.

Sheep get slaughtered.

Henry Makow Ph.D. is the inventor of the game Scruples and author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles exposing fe-manism and the New World Order can be found at his web site www.savethemales.ca He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only. hmakow@gmail.com

要するにストーリーは,国土安全保障省のためにソ連のトップだったプリマコフら3人が働き、愛国者法2はthe Soviet Internal Security Enhancement Act (1965)の焼き写しであり、 および旧東独の STASI (秘密警察)の手法が取り入れられており、現在のアメリカはソ連の共産主義体制が採用されていると主張していると紹介。

“ the Illuminati bankers continue to use Russia, and specifically the KGB successor agencies to foster their world tyranny, which he defines as: “

ストーリーは2003年から,次元を変えて,国際政経について報告するようになったが,実はその第一作がここで紹介されている"The New Underworld Order: Triumph of Criminalism and the Global Hegemony of Masonic Intelligence,"という2003年刊行の「新しい地下秩序:フリーメーソン諜報機構による犯罪性とグローバル覇権の勝利」というタイトルの本であり,つまり,彼は,やはり国際政治経済の黒幕にイルミナティーがいる、という,旧来の彼の一般な見方からすると,掘り起こしをしたようなのだ。つまり,彼自身のサイトで書いている言葉によると,サタニックな力がコントロールしているという見方のようだ。


“Tonight the INTERNET RADIO MP3 AUDIO BRIEFING of Tom Heneghan and Lenny Bloom was hacked when the computer services of Cloak and Dagger were assaulted and viciously sabotaged by an NSA virus.”

http://www.rbnlive.com/  (この番組はすこぶる評判がいい)
のインターネットラジオにゲスト出演し、今回の逮捕とワンタ事件について語ったという。これを聴取した人のポストによると,非常良い内容だったそうだ。その中で,ワンタ基金から,ブッシュ大統領自身は$1B(=10億ドル=1200億円)かすめ取っていると報告したという。また同番組の1月2日にはBob Chapmanというゲストを招いてワンタ事件を論じている。この2つのアーカイブがhttp://mp3.rbnlive.com/Stadt07.html






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