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(回答先: 「ポトマック・キャピタル」について、情報提供求む!(本文なし) 投稿者 ジャック・どんどん 日時 2005 年 9 月 01 日 23:08:28)
ジュネーブの登記所(オンライン)で調べましたが、ありませんでした。似たような名前ではFirst Potomac Holdingという会社がツーグ(ZUG)にありましたが社長以下役員もスイス人で全く関係ないかもしれません。設立が1978年12月なので気にはなります。また、ZUGはアメリカからのお尋ね者でクリントンから無罪放免になっている有名なマークリッチの会社があるタックスヘイブンであり、私としてはこのポトマックホールディングが全く無関係の会社とは思えないのですが。その他ロンドンにもあるようなのでさらに調べて見ようと思います。
尚、この記事に出てくる、また浜田氏の記事にも出てくるアル・タクワ(Al Taqwa)はその後NADA Managementと名前を変えており、911の関係で資金は米国財務省からの命令で凍結されています。最近読んだ記事では、米国FBIがスイス連邦警察の要請に答えず充分資料がなく(?)アルタクワとテロリスト資金の流れが立件できないということですが、そこにどうやらサウジアラビアからの圧力がスイス政府に対してかかっているというニュアンスでした。
Bush- Bin Laden- Al Qaeda Money Laundry Conspiracy
(8-25-05)-- Wayne Madsen Report has obtained further paper trails linking George H. W. Bush's longtime mysterious Swiss German money mover to a now defunct bank operated on behalf of Osama Bin Laden, his family, and some of his closest business associates.
The network of Swiss-based terrorist financiers are also linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and prominent European fascist leaders. The bank, Al Taqwa ("Fear of God"), was headquartered in the Italian Swiss enclave Campione d'Italia and had offices in the Bahamas.
It ceased operations after its assets were blocked by a US Treasury Department order, its assets were frozen by the Swiss government, and its banking license was revoked by the Bahamas.
Al Taqwa subsequently changed its name to Nada Management Organization.
Al Taqwa and a complex web of affiliate front companies and brass plates in Switzerland, the Bahamas, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Jersey, Isle of Man, Turkey, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, the United States (Delaware and Texas), Germany, Belgium, Albania, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Austria, Bahrain, Singapore, Thailand, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Liechtenstein were reportedly involved in funding terrorist operations around the world, including the procurement of nuclear material from the former Soviet Union through Baltic intermediaries.
According to a EUROPOL diagram obtained by WMR, these companies included Iksir Holding, SA (Italy), Asat Trust (Liechtenstein), Iksir Ltd. (Bahamas), Gulf Center (Italy), NASCO (Turkey), Nasreddin International Group (Liechtenstein), Akida Bank (Bahamas), MIGA (Switzerland), and Nasreddin Foundation (Liechtenstein).
According to intelligence sources in the United States and Europe, the Al Taqwa network intersected with tranches in Geneva and the Isle of Man that involve front companies associated with George H. W. Bush and Enron: Topaz Liberty, Bluelake World, and Potomac Capital.
The Iranian con man and Pentagon neocon contact Manucher Ghorbanifar, Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi, and members of the Bin Laden family are reportedly linked to Geneva-based Potomac Capital, a front company created by George H. W. Bush when he was CIA Director in 1976.
Interestingly, it was George W. Bush, who, in November 2001, cited Al Taqwa as part of "Al Qaeda's" money laundering activities.
However, Bush's neocon allies at The Washington Times and World Net Daily quickly altered course and drew attention away from Al Taqwa's Saudi and Kuwaiti investors and began to erroneously link Al Taqwa to Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
Further criminal investigations of Al Taqwa's principals were also quickly dropped.
Potomac Capital appeared on the radar screen of Federal investigators during the Iran-Contra investigation conducted in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
The Al Taqwa connection to weapons of mass destruction proliferation, Bin Laden, and George H. W. Bush and his business associates stands as another reason the George W. Bush administration leaked the CIA's Brewster Jennings & Associates counter-WMD network.
The CIA counter-proliferation team was getting uncomfortably close to tying members of the Bush family and their business associates to the same financial networks that fund Osama Bin Laden and his "Al Qaeda" network.
WMR has also obtained a possible second connection between the Swiss network connected to George H. W. Bush and other 911 hijackers.
The first connection concerned hijacker Fayyaz Ahmed and a $50,000 check he received from a tranche connected to the Swiss network.
The second is the listing of Ahmed Mesfer Ahmed Alghamdi as a shareholder of Al Taqwa on a Central Bank of the Bahamas document dated April 15, 2000.
Ahmed Alghamdi and Hamza Alghamdi were two of the Saudi hijackers on board United Flight 175, which struck the South Tower of the World Trade Center.
Saeed Alghamdi was one of the hijackers on board United Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylania after being shot down by U.S. military fighter planes (according to an NSA employee who was on duty in the National Security Operations Center on the morning of 911).
According to the FBI, the Alghamdi hijackers used a number of aliases. Ahmed Alghamdi used the names Ahmed Saeed Saleh Alghamdi, Ahmed Mohammed Alghamdi, Saeed Alghamdi, Ahmed Saleh, and Juan Poncho Bennett. Hamza Alghamdi used Saleh Alghamdi Hamzah. Saeed Alghamdi used Mohsalih Alghamdi, Mokhlidmazid Almotairi, Saeedayed Alghamdi, and Saeed H. Alghamdi.
Other Alghamdis wanted by the FBI for involvement with "Al Qaeda" include Nora Alghamdi, Ali A. Alghamdi, Abdulrahman Alghamdi, Othman Alghamdi, Sadda Alghamdi, and Tareqsaeed Alghamdi.
投稿者 サラ 日時 2005 年 8 月 24 日 02:40:37: qRuhp5/W./QMw
サウジ、オサマ ビンラデンとイランコントラを結ぶ線 :チューリッヒからテキサスへの金の流れ
投稿者 サラ 日時 2005 年 7 月 30 日 19:10:03: qRuhp5/W./QMw
投稿者 サラ 日時 2005 年 7 月 30 日 18:54:29: qRuhp5/W./QMw