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(回答先: 911は20年前から準備されていた!ビンラデン兄弟がNASAの科学者に打ち明けた秘密 投稿者 サラ 日時 2005 年 7 月 30 日 17:59:29)
July 24, 2005 --"THIRD POSITION" AND "AL QAEDA." Additional ties between "Al Qaeda" and right-wing "Third Position" cells investigated in Europe. With the London Transport bombings, the Madrid train bombings, known links between far right leaders and Islamist radicals in Britain and Italy, and the uncovering of a neo-Fascist private intelligence ring in Italy tied to Islamist extremists and a mysterious U.S. covert operations unit run from the National Security Council and Pentagon, there is renewed interest by European law enforcement in similar Al Qaeda-rightist links in Germany and Switzerland. Ever since the 1980s, there were confirmed intelligence reports of neo-Nazi European groups training in terrorist camps in North Africa. When veteran FBI agent Mike German began looking more deeply into links between right wing terrorist groups in the United States and Islamist radicals, his entire penetration operation was shut down on orders of Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller. German resigned from the Bureau in protest.
Achmed (aka Ahmed) Albert Friedrich Armand Huber, a Swiss German neo-Nazi convert to Islam, served on the board of Nada Management, a large Islamic banking institution founded in 1987 as Al Taqwa ("Fear of God"). The company maintained offices in Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Italy, the Bahamas, and a semi-independent anomaly, Campione d'Italia, a miniscule Italian enclave located on the shores of Lake Lugano, completely surrounded by Swiss territory. In addition to banks and off-shore financial shells, Al Taqwa operated, before it closed its doors, a global Islamic "hawalah" system, which transferred small amounts of money (less than $1000) from agent to agent without a paper trail. Hawalahs were and are extensively used by Al Qaeda and other groups to fund their activities. On March 5, 2002, CNN's Mike Boettcher described Huber as a "living, breathing embodiment of a dangerous alliance of neo-Nazi and Islamic extremists, a coalition united in its hatred of America and Jews; a coalition known as the Third Position." Huber is an admirer of Osama bin Laden, the late Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran, and Adolf Hitler. Huber maintains that Hitler was a secret admirer of Islam. He told CNN's Boettcher, "Hitler has always said, 'the only religion I respect is Islam, and the only prophet I admire is Mohammed.'" Huber also said, "Al Qaeda is a very honorable organization. I mean, apart from some things they did."
"Third Position" advocate Ahmed Huber
Detailed research on the Al Qaeda/Neo-Nazi links is found in an April/May 2002 article by journalist Kevin Coogan (the highlights of which are encapsulated below):
On November 7, 2001, the US State Department Office of the Coordinator of Counterterrorism issued a list of organizations and individuals with financial ties to Al Qaeda. Huber was on the list. One of Al Taqwa's directors was Ahmad Idris Nasr al-Dil, Kuwait's former honorary counsel in Milan and a financial backer of Milan's Islamic Cultural Center, a known support structure for Al Qaeda that was shut down by Italian authorities on November 29, 2002. Italian investigators are now investigating a covert US special operations team that kidnaped Milan-based radical Egyptian cleric Husain Moustapha Omar Nasr (Imam Omar) and renditioned him to Egypt where he was jailed and tortured. Imam Omar was also a CIA asset used to keep track of Al Qaeda units in the Balkans -- units that were originally supported by the CIA and Muslim government-funded "defense funds" like the Bosnia Defense Fund set up in the 1990s under a Riggs Bank shell and directed by Richard Perle and the Feith & Zell law firm of Douglas Feith and Jerusalem-based attorney and Salem Chalabi colleague Marc Zell.
Two of Al Taqwa's directors, Yusuf Nada -- an Italian citizen -- and Ali Ghalib Himmat, were also members of the Muslim Brotherhood, which, like Osama Bin Laden, advocates the creation of an Islamic superstate. Dr. Ayman al Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's deputy, is a longtime Muslim Brotherhood member and activist.Himmat also was a director of the Geneva branch of the International Islamic Charitable Organization (IICO), which was headquartered in Kuwait. Another Muslim Brotherhood leader, Yusuf Al Qardawi, served as the head of Al Taqwa's Board of Religious Advisors, based in Qatar. Much of Al Taqwa's funds came from Saudi Arabia. It is noteworthy that Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar are all allies of the Bush administration in the "Global War on Terror." It is of particular interest that Nada founded the first Islamic bank in Egypt, the Egyptian branch of Saudi Arabia's Faisal Islamic Bank, the head of which was once Prince Turki al Faisal, one time head of Saudi Arabian intelligence, Saudi Arabia's main interlocutor with Osama bin Laden, and recently named to replace Prince Bandar bin Said as Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States. Faisal Bank has been linked by Luxembourg authorities to Al Qaeda financing activities.
Huber has straddled many political philosophies during his life. In the 1960s Huber was an active member of the leftist Swiss Socialist Party and helped Algerian Muslim terrorists buy weapons in Switzerland for their war against the French. Huber was also pro-Israeli. That put Huber on the other side from his later ally, French far right leader Jean-Marie LePen, who, during the Algerian War, was fighting Huber's Muslim Algerian allies. Huber began studying Islam at a Muslim Brotherhood-run center in Geneva and converted to Islam. In Egypt, Huber grew close to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al Husayni, who was a close friend of Hitler. In Egypt, Huber also met Johann van Leers, a high ranking member of the Nazi Propaganda Ministry and aide to Joseph Goebbels. Van Leers, like Huber, converted to Islam, changing his name to Umar Amin van Leers. The Huber and van Leers Nazi-Egypt connection in Egypt occurred at the same time that the CIA, under Allen Dulles, permitted former Nazi German army and SS officers to travel to Egypt from Germany to train Gamal Abdel Nasser's military officers. This training program was revealed by former CIA officer Miles Copeland. Another Huber colleague was Francois Genoud (aka "Sheikh Francois"), a banker who supported pan-Arab nationalist groups, Palestinian terrorists, postwar Nazi support networks like ODESSA, and neo-Nazi political causes. Genoud funded SS butcher Klaus Barbie's legal defense team and grew close to Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine leader Wadi Haddad and arch-terrorist Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez, aka "Carlos the Jackal." Genoud and Huber were also close to Belgian Waffen SS General Leon Degrelle while he was in exile in Spain (an exile that was courtesy of Spanish Fascist Caudillo Francisco Franco and his chief religious advisor Josemaria Escriva, the founder of the right wing Catholic organization Opus Dei). Genoud committed suicide in 1996.