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(回答先: 【速報】米軍誤射で解放女性記者死亡 (産経新聞) 投稿者 愚民党 日時 2005 年 3 月 05 日 06:52:34)
El Mundo 2005/03/04
バグダッド : 解放されたばかりのイタリアのジャーナリスト、ジュリアナ・スグレナ(Giuliana Sgrena)を乗せたトラックが米軍兵士によって狙撃された。この事件で、イラクにいるイタリアの秘密諜報員の一人が死亡し、スグレナと他の2名の諜報員が負傷した。ペンタゴンは調査を開始し、イタリアのシルビオ・ベルルスコーニ首相は、「実に重大な事件だ。誰かが責任を負わねばならないだろう。」と、駐ローマ米国大使を呼び出して抗議した。
死亡したのはニコラ・カリパリ(Nicola Calipari)というイタリア軍諜報員で、スグレナ記者をかばって死亡した、彼らはバグダッド空港への高速道路を猛スピードで走っていたところを米軍に発砲された、と書かれています。
Freed Italian journalist wounded, bodyguard killed in Baghdad
Police chief gunned down in separate incident
Friday, March 4, 2005 Posted: 3:11 PM EST (2011 GMT)
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena was shot and wounded by coalition troops while on her way to the airport after one month of captivity in Iraq, a military official and the Italian newspaper Il Manifesto said Friday.
The paper said Nicola Calipari, a member of the security forces who were with Sgrena, was killed.
The military official said coalition forces mistakenly shot at the car, which was taking Sgrena to Baghdad International Airport. She is being treated at a hospital in Baghdad.
Sgrena was kidnapped outside a Baghdad mosque on February 4.
Her captors released a videotape on February 17, in which Sgrena begged for her life and urged Italy to pull its 3,000 troops out of Iraq. Italy has the fourth-largest troop contingent in Iraq behind the United States, Britain and South Korea.
The tape was shown on the same day that Italy's Senate voted to extend the funding for the deployment. (Full story)