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(回答先: ネオファイトさん:貴重資料、感謝!:オプス・デイの秘密の実態:極右反動の瘴気〔Guardian〕 投稿者 バルセロナより愛を込めて 日時 2005 年 1 月 26 日 22:53:36)
Is Opus Dei at work in Blair's government?
Catherine Pepinster
Saturday January 22, 2005
The Guardian
Mavericks and rebels, and their capacity for causing controversy if not outright trouble, are tricky problems for anyone in authority to deal with.
The person who has nothing to lose, or is disgruntled and no longer worried about being a troublemaker; someone who has ideas which don't quite fit the status quo: we've all known them and the havoc - and entertainment - they can cause. The most difficult are often the people who were once the most loyal of colleagues. Politics is full of them. Margaret Thatcher's approach was to get rid of them, but history has shown that ousting first Nigel Lawson and then Geoffrey Howe was a grave mistake.
Perhaps Tony Blair keeps Lady Thatcher's decisions in mind when he considers what to do about Gordon Brown. So far he has kept the brooding, resentful chancellor within the tent. Better the enemy within than the enemy without, making trouble on the backbenches.
The Catholic church in this country has had a similar change of heart after a change of personnel, although its leaders are unlikely to use the language of enmity. And in the Church's case, the decision it had to make is the reverse of what the prime minister must be mulling over. It has chosen to bring the maverick back in from the cold.
The late Cardinal Basil Hume was adroit at remaining charming at all times in public, but behind the scenes he could be tough when there was cause, and tough he certainly was in his thinking about the organisation Opus Dei. The group, long notorious for its secretiveness, its recruitment methods and its association with Franco's Spain, has never been popular in Britain, which prefers its religion to be understated.
In 1981 Cardinal Hume laid down some very strict guidelines for Opus Dei to observe, if it wanted to continue operating in Westminster. He had accepted complaints that it was secretive and subjected young people to excessive recruitment pressure.
Since then, Opus Dei has, to be fair, made some efforts to amend its ways in this country, at least. It has become more open in its dealings, it has been approved of by Rome, its founder Josemaria Escriva has been canonised, and its belief that lay people have a universal call to holiness would be welcomed by most post-Vatican II Catholics.
Indeed, this new-found openness has led to some surprising, not to say amusing, developments. Millions of people around the world have now heard of Opus Dei through Dan Brown's best-selling novel The Da Vinci Code.
While the book presents an inaccurate picture of the organisation, Opus Dei's London operation has realised that all publicity is good publicity, and now welcomes Da Vinci fans who turn up on its doorstep for a cup of tea and a chat about Escriva.
But far more important than this development is the decision of Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, to learn from his predecessor, Cardinal Hume. The maverick is not spurned, but welcomed. Rather than warn the organisation to watch its step, the Cardinal has recently appointed an Opus Dei priest to a parish in Swiss Cottage, north London. Opus Dei's view is that the organisation and not just Father Sheehan, the priest concerned, is taking over the parish.
While people who know Fr Sheehan are pleased that such a kind, pastoral figure should be running the parish, the concerns about Opus Dei continue. There is still a lingering feeling that it is a secretive organisation, and this belief has been reinforced by the appointment of Ruth Kelly as secretary of state for education.
Speculation is rife that Ms Kelly, an undoubtedly devout Catholic, is a member of Opus Dei. Opus Dei has made various nods and winks about it and said she has attended events. Ms Kelly refuses to say yes or no. Those envious of her seemingly easy rise to Cabinet membership have made much of the Opus Dei connection, warning that it's worrying that someone like this should be effectively running the nation's schools. Whether or not that is the case, one wonders why she does not confirm whether she is a member or not.
The organisation is certainly legitimate, and she can point to the fact that the Cardinal thinks well enough of it to entrust souls to its care. The mavericks have, after all, returned.
But mavericks are, nevertheless, sometimes difficult to trust. Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor has acted with the generosity of spirit we expect of Christian leaders in entrusting a parish to Opus Dei. That sort of generosity should be recognised, not just by the more cynical members of the Church, but by Opus Dei itself. That means the onus is on the organisation to ensure that coming in from the cold really was worthwhile - for all of us.
・ Catherine Pepinster is editor of The Tablet, the Catholic weekly publication.