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(回答先: 韓国人人質殺される(Aljazeera) 投稿者 彗星 日時 2004 年 6 月 23 日 03:39:44)
Militants Decapitate South Korean Hostage in Iraq
Tue Jun 22, 2004 02:09 PM ET
By Andrew Marshall
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Militants beheaded a South Korean hostage in Iraq Tuesday after Seoul refused their demand to withdraw its troops and scrap plans to send more.
South Korea confirmed that U.S. troops had found the body of 33-year-old Kim Sun-il, five days after he was seized in Falluja, a guerrilla hotbed 32 miles west of Baghdad.
Arabic satellite channel Al Jazeera broadcast footage of four heavily armed men standing over a kneeling Kim, who was dressed in an orange tunic and with an orange blindfold -- mimicking the orange jumpsuits worn by prisoners in U.S. detention facilities like Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib.
ひざまずくキム(この人は、オレンジの胴着を、および目隠しされているオレンジで着ていた)を監督する、4人の重装備した人のアラビアの衛星チャンネル、アルJazeera放送映画フィルム--グアンタナモ湾およびAbu Ghraibのような米国拘留設備の中で囚人によって着用していたオレンジのジャンプスーツの模倣。
Monday, a group led by Jordanian-born militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said it was holding Kim and would execute him unless Seoul pulled out its 670 military medics and engineers in Iraq and canceled plans to deploy 3,000 more troops.
月曜日に、ヨルダン人に生まれながらの攻撃的な Abu Musab al-Zarqawiの率いるグループは、それがキムを抱いておりもしソウルが、イ?宴Nおよびもう3,000の軍隊を展開させる取り消された計画でその 670人の軍事の医者およびエンジニアを撤退させなかったならば彼を処刑するだろう、と言いました。
U.S. officials say Zarqawi's group also beheaded U.S. hostage Nicholas Berg in Iraq last month -- and that Zarqawi himself probably wielded the knife in Berg's killing.
In footage of Berg's decapitation, he was shown wearing an orange tunic. The captors of Paul Johnson, a U.S. contractor beheaded in Saudi Arabia last week by militants linked to al Qaeda, also dressed him in orange before they killed him.
ベルクの首切りの映画フィルムでは、彼がオレンジの胴着を着用していて示されました。彼を殺す前に、ポール・ジョンソン(先週al Qaedaにリンクされた闘士によってサウジアラビアで首が切られた米国の契約者)の捕獲者は、さらにオレンジの中で彼に服を着せました。
Since early April, dozens of foreign hostages have been seized in Iraq, many around Falluja. Most have been freed but at least four have been killed by their captors.
Kim, an Arabic speaker and evangelical Christian, had worked in Iraq for a year as a translator for a South Korean firm supplying goods to the U.S. army.
A Seoul commerce ministry spokeswoman said all South Koreans working for firms in Iraq were likely to leave the country by early next month.