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(回答先: 実行犯はザルカウィ氏 米人殺害で情報当局 (Sankei)ーそういうことにしたいのね(笑) 投稿者 ああ、やっぱり 日時 2004 年 5 月 14 日 02:24:38)
Bloggers doubt Berg execution video
ByLawrence Smallman
Thursday 13 May 2004, 17:18 Makka Time, 14:18 GMT
Video oddities
There are plenty of questions raised concerning the video too. The body is completely motionless even as the knife is brought to bear ? not so much as an instinctive wriggle.
More graphically, some claim that cutting the throat's artery would cause a significant amount of blood. But little emerges and when the head was raised ? not a drop of blood is seen to fall.
グラフ式に、あるクレーム、喉の動脈を切断するそれ、でしょう 重要な量の血液を引き起こしてください。しかし、ほとんどは出現しません。また、頭がいついるかは上げました?血液の1滴の滴も、落ちるのを見られません。
In a possible explanation, one discussion room member suggested that Berg was killed and then beheaded later.
However, the circumstances of the video release are also strange. A Reuters journalist in Dubai first named the Muntada al-Ansar al-Islami website as the source for the video ? at www.al-ansar.biz.
しかしながら、ビデオリリースの状況はさらに奇妙です。ドゥバイのロイター・ジャーナリストは、最初にビデオのために出所としてMuntada al-アンサーをal-Islamiウェブサイトと命名しました?www.alなansar.bizで。
Although the site has now been shut down, Aljazeera.net had looked at the site within ninety minutes of the story breaking ? and could find no such video footage.
But Fox News, CNN and the BBC were all able to download the footage from the Arabic-only website and report the story within the hour.