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シンガポール・The Strait Times
Drug addict and leftists
Wxcite 翻訳並の間違いが、デマとして流布されるのは間違いないと思います。
原文の中のデマ × 翻訳間違いのデマ × 流布中に紛れるデマ
Drug addict and leftists
The truth about the three Japanese hostages in Iraq
Since telling officials they wanted to continue their activities in Iraq, the three Japanese hostages who were freed last month have been getting a roasting at home. Their backgrounds have been dissected and they have been accused of being anti-government. They were even said to be totally undeserving of the money spent on them. Japan correspondent Kwan Weng Kin reports
彼らがイラクで活動を継続したかったと職員に伝えて以来、先月解放された3人の日本の人質は家で焼くことを得ていました。それらの背景は解剖されました。また、それらは反政府だったことで非難されました。彼らはさらに全くそれらに費やされた金銭に値しないと言われていました。日本特派員Kwan Weng親類報告書
Student activist Noriaki Imai
学生運動家Noriaki Imai
Teen comes from family of communists
THE Imai family home in Sapporo, Hokkaido, is said to be notorious for being a gathering place for local communist sympathisers and peace activists.
札幌(北海道)のTHE Imai家族家は、地方の共産主義の支持者および平和運動の活動家のための集い場所であることで悪名高いと言われています。
A teenage activist who talks like an adult, Mr Imai plans to study conflict resolution.
It was in such an atmosphere that 18-year-old Noriaki Imai, the second son in the family, grew up.
18年来のNoriaki Imai(家族の中の第2の息子)が成長したのはそのような大気の中ででした。
To be fair, only his mother Naoko is a card-carrying member of the Japan Communist Party. She also works in a party-affiliated hospital.
His father is a school teacher, a profession in Japan well known to be populated with leftists.
The younger Imai was, by all accounts, polite and helpful. In his third year in middle school, he was head of the students' council.
But the rather unusual family background clearly left its mark on the impressionable teenager.
The family's favourite newspaper was after all Akahata, the communist party mouthpiece.
While his classmates buried their heads in comics and video games, he showed interest in environmental problems and often engaged his teachers in debate on social issues.
He threw himself into grassroots activities, another area said to be often dominated by leftists.
His obsession with depleted uranium weapons began after a talk by a peace activist. Last December, he helped set up a non-governmental organisation (NGO) to urge for a ban on such weapons.
The following month, he took friends and NGO colleagues by surprise when he declared his intention to visit Iraq to collect material for an illustrated book on the effects of depleted uranium bombs.
A chance meeting in March with volunteer worker Nahoko Takato, who invited him to accompany her to Baghdad, strengthened his resolve.
3月の偶然の会は、ボランティアの労働者Nahoko Takato(この人はバグダッドまで彼女を同行することを彼に依頼した)と彼の決心を強くしました。
They reportedly opposed Japan's deployment of troops in Iraq, a position shared by the communists.
Even if their kidnap was not staged, the government is apparently vexed that communists and leftists could have tried to exploit the crisis to pressure it into withdrawing its troops.
It is yet unclear why Mr Imai's family agreed to let him leave for Iraq despite the obvious dangers.
This autumn, he is due to go to Bradford University in Britain to study conflict resolution and other peace-related subjects.
Volunteer worker Nahoko Takato
ボランティアの労働者Nahoko Takato
Woman hostage had past contact with terrorists
MS NAHOKO Takato puffed cigarettes at 12, sniffed paint thinner at 13 and by 15, she had started smoking marijuana.
MS NAHOKO Takatoは12でたばこを吹きました、13に、お?謔ム15までに鼻でかがれたペンキ・シンナー、彼女は喫煙マリファナを始めました。
Convinced her mission in life was to help the poor, Ms Takato went to Iraq with funding from leftists.
The 34-year-old was the only woman among the three Japanese captured by Iraqi militants near Fallujah last month and released a week later.
Ms Takato, who was kidnapped while on her way to Baghdad to resume her work of caring for homeless Iraqi teenagers and weaning them off drugs, was a high school delinquent and addict herself.
In a book she published in 2002, she admitted to having been on drugs.
After graduating from university, she worked in Tokyo as an office lady, but returned after a year to her native Chitose city in Hokkaido.
A passing interest in the American black liberation movement took her to the US for a while.
Upon returning to Japan, she took charge of a karaoke business, one of several family ventures.
Still single at the age of 30, she became listless.
Although she had no steady income of her own, she was able to indulge in habitual drinking, thanks to the family fortune.
Worse, a long bout of depression followed after a man she had been pursuing declared he was marrying someone else.
She delved once again into the writings of Indian spiritual leader Sai Baba - whom she had once read together with her former boyfriend - and went to India.
The sight of India's poor and underprivileged, it was said, convinced her that her mission was in volunteer work.
It took her to Thailand, Cambodia and Nepal. Later, the Iraq war drew her to Baghdad.
Ms Takato, who worked independently of non-governmental organisations, was said to have received donations from leftist organisations for her volunteer work in Iraq.
But she drew little public sympathy after she was kidnapped.
She was called 'Japan's shame' on the Internet. Her parents got anonymous postcards saying she and the other hostages 'deserved what they got'.
Criticism also rained on Ms Takato's younger sister, a housewife with two children, and her younger brother, a director of the local junior chamber of commerce, for blasting the government over its decision not to withdraw its troops from Iraq.
Iraqi captors had threatened to burn the hostages alive if the troops did not leave.
In particular, Ms Takato earned the wrath of politicians and officials, many of whom suspected the whole abduction was faked.
The woman, it was said, had previous contact with Iraqi terrorists, including the Saraya al-Mujahideen group which claimed to be the captors.
女性、それは言われていました、捕獲者であることを主張したSaraya al-ムジャヒディン・グループを含むイラクのテロリストとの前の接触を持っていました。
She also incensed many Japanese, including Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, when she said in tears after her release that 'I just cannot hate the Iraqi people', and that she wanted to remain in Iraq to continue her work.
Since coming back to Japan, she has remained at home trying to get over her ordeal.
Crushed by the force of public opinion, Ms Takato is being shielded by her family, who have sworn never to let her go off to Iraq again.
But unless she appears personally before the media to apologise, she is unlikely to be forgiven.
Straight after Ms Takato's release, her brother Shuichi told her on his cellphone: 'You must say gomen nasai (I beg your pardon) 100 times to the whole world.'
Takatoさんのリリースの後に直線なので、彼女の兄弟Shuichiは彼の携帯電話上で彼女に伝えました:「全世界へgomen nasai(すみません)と100回言わなければなりません。」
Even if the public is happy with that, it may not satisfy Mr Koizumi and his doubting mandarins.
Photojournalist Soichiro Koriyama
フォトジャーナリストSoichiro Koriyama
Ex-army man wanted to make a name for himself in Iraq
OF THE three Japanese taken hostage by Iraqi militants last month, photojournalist Soichiro Koriyama appears to be the most politically correct.
OF THE、先月(フォトジャーナリストSoichiro Koriyama)がそうであるように見える、イラクの闘士のわきの3人の日本の得られた人質、その、最も政治的に正確。
He hopes to make his mark as a war photographer, but Mr Koriyama never took a single shot.
Among his relatives, he can count a few policemen, a profession in Japan that is barred to anyone who happens to have a close relative who is sympathetic to the leftists or the communists.
Reports said Mr Koriyama was against Japan's dispatch of troops to Iraq. But then, so was about half of the country.
It was perhaps Mr Koriyama's misfortune to have run into Ms Takato and Mr Imai in Amman, which prompted him to scrap his original plans to visit Israel and accompany them to Baghdad instead.
After news of their capture broke, Mr Koriyama's background was also dissected, but it revealed only a troubled childhood and a host of personal problems.
His car salesman father left the family when he was still a child, leaving his mother to bring up two boys single-handedly.
After finishing high school, Mr Koriyama joined a bicycle shop and harboured ambitions of becoming a professional cyclist.
But a serious accident ended those dreams. Looking for a secure job, he joined the Self Defence Force, where he received some ranger training.
While still in uniform, he married a barbershop worker and had two children.
The military culture apparently did not appeal to him. After his discharge, he took on a number of short-term jobs. His unstable family life led to divorce in 1999.
An earlier interest in photography gave him the idea of making a living as a war photographer.
Two months before leaving for Iraq, he took up several part-time jobs, sleeping only two hours a night, to save money for travel expenses and a new digital camera.
On the night of March 31, he left his small apartment in Tokyo for Jordan.
According to fellow photojournalists, Mr Koriyama was reckless to have attempted to enter Iraq, given its situation, in the company of a woman and a mere youth.
But while Ms Takato and Mr Imai were apparently led to Baghdad by their beliefs, in Mr Koriyama's case, it appeared to have simply been a desire to make a name for himself.
Soon after his release, he told his mother on the phone: 'I have not yet taken even a single shot in Iraq with my camera. I want to remain here to work.'
He is now paying dearly for that remark.