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(回答先: Re: てすとん2 投稿者 エイドリアン 日時 2004 年 7 月 24 日 12:26:46)
![]() 最近、再冠水したアルハンマール湿原西部の若いマーシュ・アラブ人 A young marsh Arab in recently reflooded western Hammar. |
Massive drainage structures built in the 1990s diverted water from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers from roughly 8,000 square miles of marshlands in southern Iraq, a premeditated environmental disaster comparable in scale to the drying up of the Aral Sea and the deforestation of the Amazon.
DAI(Development Alternatives, Inc.)は、その(環境破壊の)影響を緩和し、この迫害された地域の人々を援助すべく、専門家チームを主導している。
DAI is leading a team of experts to mitigate its effects and assist the people of this persecuted region.
The marsh area was once famous for its biodiversity and cultural richness.
The marshes were the permanent habitat for millions of birds and a flyway for billions more migrating between Siberia and Africa.
Sixty-six bird species may now be at risk and other populations are thought to be in serious decline.
Coastal fisheries in the Persian Gulf used the marshlands for spawning migrations, and the marshes served as nursery grounds for shrimp and fish.
The marshlands also acted as a natural filter for waste and other pollutants in the Tigris and Euphrates, protecting the Gulf which has now become noticeably degraded along the coast of Kuwait.
Fishing hauls have significantly decreased.
![]() アル・チベイシュのゲストハウス:マーシュランド最大の部族集会所 A guest house (mudhif) in Al-Chibayish, the largest population center in the marshlands. ゲストハウス周辺の建物は日干し煉瓦製だが、ゲストハウスは Note that although the buildings surrounding the guesthouse are made of mud brick, the 近隣のマーシュ地帯から収穫した葦を使った伝統様式で建造されていることに注目。 guesthouse is built in traditional style using reeds harvested from the nearby marsh. |
The drainage efforts were deliberately targeted at the unique, 5,000-year-old society of the Marsh Arabs because they were seen as disloyal and unmanageable after the Shi’a insurrection of 1991.
The military raided settlements, killed tens of thousands of people, burned houses, and killed animals.
Always the poorest people in Iraq, the Marsh Arabs were exiled or internally displaced.
Many escaped to the cities, following a trend that began in the 1970s and 1980s, prompted by the lack of opportunities and services in the marshes.
Those who remained, numbering fewer than 100,000, were forced from 1991 to 2000 to change their location regularly, some as many as 18 times.
![]() 干上がったマーシュ地帯の至る所に、破壊されたままになっている住居跡が見える。 Throughout the dessicated marshes, one finds remains of settlements destroyed in the それは、1990年代初期、サダム・フセイン軍による。マーシュ地帯の地面から early 1990s by Saddam Hussein's forces. Note the slight elevation of the houses above the 家々の土台が僅かに上がっていることに注目 marsh floor. |
無制限水量協定(IQC(the Water Indefinite Quantity Contract))のもと、米国国際開発庁(USAID)の資金提供によって、連合軍暫定当局(CPA)の配下で導入された DAI は、米国による以下の取り組みを主導している。それは、管理の改善と戦略的な再冠水による生態系の回復、および、マーシュ・アラブへの社会経済的な援助である。
Implemented under the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) and funded by USAID under the Water Indefinite Quantity Contract, DAI is leading the United States’ effort to restore the ecosystem through improved management and strategic reflooding and to provide social and economic assistance to the Marsh Arabs.
Partners include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Duke University, the Iraq Foundation, the AMAR International Charitable Foundation, and the University of Basra.
The program works closely with the Coalition Provisional Authority.
The lead entity in Iraq is the Ministry of Water Resources, particularly the newly created Center for Iraq Marshlands Restoration (CRIM).
Other participating ministries include Environment, Agriculture, Health, and Public Works.
Program Objectives
![]() イラク東部に位置するアルハーウィツェ湿原の景観。この地域は、 A view of Hawizeh Marsh looking due east toward Iran. The area was reflooded after the 2003年4月の戦争後に再冠水したが、この写真の葦は、再冠水前にこ April 2003 war but the reeds shown here predate the reflooding. This is a good example of こに生えていた。これは南部イラクのマーシュ地帯が永らえている良い例。 the remaining permanent marsh in southern Iraq. |
The objectives of the Iraq Marshlands Restoration Program are to:
> Construct an accurate environmental, social, and economic baseline of the remaining and former marshlands to plan interventions and measure their success;
> Assist with the repatriation and resettlement of marshland dwellers in the region, who will require viable economic opportunities and social institutions that are fair and equitable and give them a voice;
> Improve the management of existing marshlands and explore options to restore adjacent drained marshes; and
> Develop consensus on a long-term, comprehensive wetland restoration strategy integrated with a regional social and economic development program.
![]() これらのマーシュ地帯の住民はマーシュ・アラブ族ではなく、歴史的に These marsh dwellers are not members of the Marsh Arab tribes, but they have historically イラク南部のマーシュ地帯周辺に住んで、葦を刈り魚を獲っていた。 lived on the periphery of the marshes in southern Iraq, harvesting reeds and fishing before それは1990年代のマーシュ地帯の排水以前からである。2003年4月、この地域は再冠水した。 the draining of the marshes in the 1990s. . When their area was reflooded in April 2003, they 彼等はすぐさま彼等のボートに戻ってきて、以前と同様、マーシュ地帯の経済的な搾取を再開した。 rapidly moved back to their boats and once again exploited the marshes economically. |
Two-Track Approach: Ecosystem Restoration and Socioeconomic Assistance
The environmental and developmental tracks are necessarily integrated, reflecting the historic harmony of the marshlands and their indigenous population.
The program has five major components:
CRIM 内に置かれる予定の、土壌・水・植生・野生生物に関するデータベースの開発;
> Development of a soil, water, vegetation, and wildlife database to be housed in CRIM;
> Hydrologic modeling of the Tigris and Euphrates basin and hydroperiod modeling within the marshes;
> Monitoring, reflooding, and pilot restoration projects;
> Social and economic assistance to Marsh Arabs; and
> Capacity building in marshland management and marshland restoration.
![]() 最近のアルハンマール湿原内部の景観。この地域は2003年4月に再冠水した。 A recent view of interior of Hammar Marsh. The area was reflooded in April 2003. Note that the 水域の端に沿った植生は、淡水葦(ヨシ)とソルト・ブッシュ(タマリスク)の混交 vegetation along the water's edge is a mixture of fresh water reeds (phragmites) and salt bush となっていることに注意。 (tamarix). |
(1) 2003年4月の戦争に続いて行われたマーシュ地帯の部分的な再冠水を監視すること。
(2) 湿地帯の植生を使って水をろ過し飲料水と廃水の管理を改良すること。
(2) マーシュ地帯への粗野で物理的な介入を再構築すること。介入については、その影響と、拡張されたマーシュランドの回復への洞察と、が注意深く調査されている。
Ecosystem restoration activities include monitoring the partial reflooding of the marshes following the April war, using wetland vegetation to filter water for improved drinking water and wastewater management, and reconstructing marshes through physical interventions, which are carefully investigated for their impact and insights into expanded marshland restoration.
Social and economic assistance to Marsh Arabs includes encouraging agriculture and agribusiness, reestablishing livestock and dairy production, rejuvenating fishing systems, supporting post-harvest and off-farm activities (including ecotourism), and supporting the primary health care system through clinics in the marshes.
Together, these activities will provide realistic income generation opportunities, with Marsh Arabs as the primary beneficiaries.
![]() 束にして積み上げた葦は、アル・チベイシュの街からの搬出を待っている。 Stacked and bundled reeds waiting for transport out of Al-Chibayish City. Reeds are used for 葦は、家を建てたり敷物を織るのに使われる。 house construction and woven mats. |
The 12-month program was launched with the visit of a scientific and development team to the marshes in June 2003.
社会人類学者で水資源の専門家でもある DAI の Peter Reiss の主導によるチームは、20年以上の間にマーシュランドを訪れた最初のものだった。そして、このチ−ムが収集・分析した情報は、マーシュランドの排水とその影響に関する最初のデータだった。
Led by DAI’s Peter Reiss, a social anthropologist and water resources expert, the team was the first to visit the marshlands in more than two decades, and the information it collected and analyzed provided the first data on the drainage of the marshes and its impact.
October and December visits revealed rapid positive changes in the marshlands: the reemergence of wildlife, the resettling of the area by marsh dwellers, and a revival of fishing and agriculture.
Working as the hub of an international effort, the program is now developing a comprehensive strategy for marsh restoration that will serve as a platform for international donor participation and funding.