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(回答先: Re: [モスクワ劇場占拠劇]!? チェチェン人へのインタービューで、我々の仕組んだことでない。TF5より 投稿者 はまち 日時 2004 年 1 月 04 日 06:26:52)
Kavkaz.org Based in the USA
「What is the company Cogent Communications, and where is it located?
whois -a COGC
OrgName: Cogent Communications
Address: 1015 31st Street, NW Washington DC 20007
Country: US」
プラウダ紙はこのあたりでさくっと矛先をおさめていますが、そのワシントン、Cogent Communicationsについては次を。
■クラックサイトとCogent Communications、そしてCIA。地図あり。
Cracks.am? cia.gov?
cracks.am(Cogent Communications)、Washington DC 20007
cia.gov、Washington DC 20505
Starting from: Washington, DC 20007
Arriving at: Washington, DC 20505
Distance: 5.3 miles Approximate Travel Time: 15 mins
■Cogent Communicationsについてさらに追求したページ。不可解な歴史、そしてつながり(CIAベンチャーIn-Q-Telにずばりリンク)
Is Your ISP Actually the CIA?
A few weeks ago while speaking with a friend, I was alerted to a very interesting article he had found (article here) about an Internet crack site (Cracks.am) was actually powered by the CIA. ・・・
The Interesting Stuff
Recently Cogent has not only been liked to the CIA through the research we found (and research later removed from the Internet). Cogent has recently been linked to the hosting of the Chechen Rebels website (Click here for the article) as well as having direct ties to a company called Metacarta who is funded by none other then In-Q-Tel, the CIA venture funding front.