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(回答先: Re: 【戦争阻止のカギ】フィデル・カストロ、曰く――「インターネットは通信の独占を打ち破る武器だ」 投稿者 ×× 日時 2003 年 3 月 27 日 15:07:12)
Re: 【戦争阻止のカギ】フィデル・カストロ、曰く――「インターネットは通信の独占を打ち破る武器だ」
S25 342 2003/3/27 15:07:12
投稿者: ××
As for the Internet, Castro said it was an extraordinary weapon to "stop the cultural invasion" and could lead to the "final victory" of the global public opinion. "There is another battle underway, a battle of ideas to offset the perils of new doctrines previously unknown", emphasized Castro.
あらためて××さんのおっしゃっていることの意味がよくわからないのですが、そもそもこの英文が「新たな“教条的危険性”が孕んでいるこれまで知られていなかった危険性」という意味であるなら、英語ではこういうふうに明確に表現していたでしょうね――「There is another battle underway, a battle of ideas to offset the perils of new doctrines, which perils are previously unknown.」、あるいは「There is another battle underway, a battle of ideas to offset the previously unknown perils of new doctrines.」。つまり新聞記事などの英文は、なるべく一意的な意味の確定が容易なように、明確に書くのが大原則ですから。そして英語には、そうした明確な書き方をしようと思えば、上記に示したような各種の表現方法もあるわけですから。
ここで問題になっている「the perils of new doctrines previously unknown」をスペイン語にすれば、こんな感じでしょう――
「el peligros de las nuevas doctrinas previamente desconocidas」(アクセント符合は省略)
●なお、プラウダ英語版に言及されている「new doctrines previously unknown」が具体的に何を指しているのかは情報不足なので不明です。そもそも「previously」という言葉が指しているタイムスパンが不明です。
Havana. March 25, 2003
The best weapon against global dictatorship
BY MARELYS VALENCIA -- Granma International staff writer?
THE weapon represented by public opinion, which is capable of both mobilizing and winning, was one of the central themes of Fidel Castro’s speech at the closing session of the 6th Plenary of the Union of Journalists of Cuba (UPEC), a meeting that has taken place annually since 1999.
"Mobilizing public opinion is the fundamental weapon, he commented, and this is going to have much influence on the U.S. people as it gains in awareness," he noted. He recalled his recent visit to Hiroshima, when he meditated that the bombs exploded there, just like those now falling on Iraq, were not necessary either.
Referring to the field of ideas, he highlighted their importance in "neutralizing and counteracting the dangers of which we were talking." In that context, in which the press has an essential role, he emphasized advances made since the 7th UPEC Congress in 1999 in the dominion and use of cutting-edge media technology, which has increased its reach within and outside the country.
He recalled how that Congress drew up a retraining strategy for journalists, and the means and well-equipped colleges were made available to professionals. He observed that there is a higher level of creation and use of technology at the disposition of the press, television and radio, so that they can insert themselves in the global battle of ideas and to carry the message of the Revolution to the entire world.
The Cuban president also commented on how the issue of the cultural invasion, which is penetrating nations’ identity, was the theme that brought together the plenary sessions of the UPEC and the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba in the task of "preserving our culture; and that starting from that moment an awareness was created of the priority of saving our nations from that invasion. In this context, we have been on the defensive, although at this juncture Cuba is virtually on the offensive."
Fidel spoke of the great battle of ideas currently being waged at global level, and qualified as unprecedented the worldwide anti- war mobilizations that are exceeding all expectations. He added that we are "living in a new historical stage, in which we are not only witnessing a distinct type of war, but demonstrations that have not been convened by political parties or the United Nations, or the class organizations, but by a mass of thinking people moved by their own consciences."
As is usually the case in meetings with journalists, Fidel talked with optimism on the Revolution’s new programs. He recalled, for example, the installation of more than 1,800 video halls rural areas, especially those lacking electricity, and that of the young computer clubs, which currently attend to some 101,000 people.
Part of the Revolution’s current undertakings are directed at adolescent attention and education, on which Fidel noted that the upcoming school year is to see double class sessions in secondary education in the capital.
Internet has shown itself to be a powerful mobilizing tool in recent years, reflected journalist Rosa Miriam Elizalde who, starting from that idea, spoke of the need for creativity over resources.
In a report presented to the plenary, Tubal Paez, UPEC president, affirmed that Cuban journalists have never assumed such elevated political and social responsibilities, and highlighted the possibility of "counting on powerful tools in order to extend the reach and efficacy of our message and arsenal of arguments, works and projects underway in the country. At the same time, the international situation has never been so complex and difficult."
He referred to the presence on the Internet of the national press as glowing examples, and mentioned Granma International, the only publication in six languages, and the anti-terrorist websites for the release of the Five, which are accessed by a growing number of surfers.
The leader noted that UPEC is offering dozens of computer and language courses, in which the Jose Marti International Institute of Journalism, which now has a residential section for colleagues from other parts of the island, has constituted a special support.
The document reaffirms the achieving of a press that expresses in a more profound way, with greater technical quality, with greater literary flight and diversity of style, the events of the country and of a world that is the victim of the sole way of thinking of a global dictatorship trying to impose itself through force and by the force of its media.