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[カルト30] 日経・安保理・声明見送り。不正大統領のバデが騒いでも中露が容認すれば米国の横暴は通らないのである。 ポスト米英時代
3. 2021年2月03日 12:09:52 : GiCsuVG8sA : WXBUdEltcTQ4bzY=[1]


This is Odd: Joe Biden's Signature on Latest Official Documents Is Raising Eyebrows


This is Odd: Joe Biden’s Signature on Latest Official Documents Is Raising Eyebrows
By Jim Hoft
Published February 2, 2021 at 10:33am

1892 コメント

It’s common knowledge for anyone paying attention this past year that Joe Biden is suffering from mid-to-late stage dementia.

This explains why Democrats hid Joe in the basement all year while they schemed on ways to manufacture votes. It is also common knowledge that Jill Biden, his wife of over 40 years of marriage, is his constant companion and personal aide to help Joe out during times of confusion. This is typical with those spouses who are married to dementia patients.



But is Jill Biden more than her husband’s handler?

A Missouri pharmacist sent us this keen observation.



TRENDING: This is Odd: Joe Biden's Signature on Latest Official Documents Is Raising Eyebrows

I am a pharmacist in Missouri. I read a few days ago that none of Biden’s Executive Orders have been posted to the Federal Register, so I looked, then, a few days ago. Those Executive Orders are showing up. However, I believe I have accidentally discovered his signature may be a forgery. I just sat on this discovery, thinking someone else more important would notice it. I guess no one has yet.

Part of my job as a pharmacist is to watch for forged doctor signatures and I am pretty sure Joe’s are forged. I suspect that he is embarrassed by his shaky signature and had his wife sign for his signature stamp used for official business. As you can see on the attachment the last three signatures are identical, indicative of a stamp, and that’s fine as long as it is his signature. Maybe that’s easier to submit to the Federal Register. Otherwise, I believe it is illegal to have someone else sign for a signature stamp that binds a legal document. I have seen the signature of doctors get shaky at the end of their careers, but never change in a single year as Joe’s purportedly has done.

TRENDING. This is Odd. ジョー・バイデン氏の最新公文書への署名が眉をひそめる



If you have contact with a handwriting expert, perhaps you can have that person take a look. But look at the attachment I created, all from the public domain. Clearly, Joe has an established signature, but the last three signatures I have on the document are from separate Executive Orders that can be found online at the Federal Register. Clearly, in my opinion, they are not his signature. They look more like the signature of his wife, Jill, also on the attachment. Focus on the “B” in Biden. Perhaps an expert can offer a more definitive opinion.

Here is Joe Biden’s signature last year.

手書きの専門家と連絡を取っているのであれば、おそらくその人に見てもらうことができるでしょう。でも 私が作成した添付ファイルを見てください すべてパブリックドメインからのものです 明らかに、ジョーの署名は確立されているが、この文書にある最後の3つの署名は、連邦登録簿にオンラインで公開されている別の行政命令からのものだ。私の意見では、明らかに彼の署名ではありません。妻のジルの署名に似ていますが、添付ファイルにもあります。バイデンの "B "に注目してください 専門家の意見を聞こう


Here are more signatures by Joe Biden and Jill Biden.


And here are Joe Biden’s signatures from the last week.


Notice the “B” in the signature.

Is this Joe’s signature?

署名の "B "に注目してください




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