★阿修羅♪ > WDRVWnpJa1lxOS4= > 100000
g検索 WDRVWnpJa1lxOS4=  
WDRVWnpJa1lxOS4= コメント履歴 No: 100000
[] 相対性理論はインチキだろう.
272. なかやま[36] gsiCqYLigtw 2024年4月12日 07:46:16 : U1ZL4MJPbs : WDRVWnpJa1lxOS4=[1]
Accelerated Motion (again) (クリ)

A passenger car is accelerating to the right (uniform acceleration). A light source (wavelength is onstant) at the rear wall of the car emits light, and on the front wall, frequency measuring device is settled. During acceleration, there will be more waves in the car than before. In other words, accelerated motion is not fictitious (inertial force is not also).

A ray of light is emitted from the ceiling of a passenger car directly below. When this car is accelerated, the light rays reach the floor in a parabola. Difference between acceleration and non-acceleration is not fictitious.

[] 相対性理論はインチキだろう.
273. なかやま[37] gsiCqYLigtw 2024年4月12日 08:04:16 : U1ZL4MJPbs : WDRVWnpJa1lxOS4=[2]
Accelerated Motion & Inertial Force (again) (クリ)

Accelerated motion is absolute motion relative to aether frame. The two are two sides of the same coin. Gravity does not play a role at all in this problem and is irrelevant.


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