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[NWO7] 2025年までにすべての子供にデジタルIDが埋め込まれる予定 (The People's Voice / トッポ訳)  魑魅魍魎男
1. 新共産主義クラブ[-11044] kFaLpI5ZjuWLYINOg4mDdQ 2024年9月26日 22:50:39 : 5epWlNLx4A :TOR VTJoNzRZU3BQYnc=[1]
 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation は、デジタルIDs を、貧困を解決するための効果的な手段として推進しているようです。

 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation のウェブサイトには、具体的な IDs のシステムについて、マイナンバーカードのような IDカードや、網膜や虹彩のような生体認証のシステムに関する言及がありますが、私が調べた範囲では、新生児の皮膚に ICチップを埋め込むような計画に関する記述は見つかりませんでした。

 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation は、国のデジタル IDs のプラットフォームとして、オープンソース(MPL-2.0 license)のフリーソフト である MOSIP の活用を推奨しています。

◆ Digital IDs are an effective tool against poverty.
A global solution is making them available to millions.
(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)

Part 1: Our global identity problem

If a person cannot prove who they are, can they take advantage of all of the
opportunities society has to offer?

Digital ID is a critical piece of digital public infrastructure

Part 2: An open-source solution

MOSIP offers a digital ID solution that any country can adapt and use

Part 3: Security and inclusion

Part 4: Reaching the rest of the world with a digital ID system


◆ About MOSIP

The Modular Open Source Identity Platform is an open-source, open
standards-based foundational identity platform. MOSIP is an API-first platform
that can be used by countries to build their own national ID platform. MOSIP
offers ID Lifecycle Management features and identity verification capabilities
out of the box. Conceived to help build global digital public goods in the
space of digital identification and governance, MOSIP is anchored at the
International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore (IIIT-B). It
harnesses the power of open-source technologies and embraces the best
practices of scalability, security and privacy.
Learn more >> https://www.mosip.io/

The key objectives of MOSIP are to:

Provide the basic framework to create a fully functional foundational
identity system

Provide flexibility for a country to choose and customize the features
from the basic framework according to their requirements

Maintain privacy, security and confidentiality of an individual's data

Provide a scalable and accessible solution to cater to a wide range of
populations (a few thousand to several hundreds of millions.




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