13. 2019年7月17日 19:14:00 : mWAui36j9c : VlRrLjdUa2NVemM=[1]
> The informatio n for the Moonies arrived before noon and was
passed on directly to Traksin (Mashov's? department for paraphrasing
information). Paraphrasing was done to eliminate the possibility of
tracing the source of the information. I then pass ed it on to liaison,
who sent it to Japan, where the Mossad liaison officer to the Far
East-from the Dardasim section-handed it in person to his contact
in Dr. Moon's church.
> The conference had hosted the representatives of the South Korean Unification Church of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, known as Moonies, and their
motley group of associates. Meetings had taken place with right-wing
Knesser members and some military personnel. Also taking part on
our side were representatives of the intelligence community and dignitaries
such as Yehuda Blum, the former Israeli ambassador to the UN.
An ex-colonel from the Korean central intelligence agency (KClA) and
several retired American generals were there too . One man I really
couldn't stand was a Frenchman called Pierre Ceylac, who was a
member of an extreme right-wing French fascist party.
引用は、ostrovsky、the other side of deceptionから。