43. 2020年2月15日 09:04:06 : 20zqiR4IbM : VEV3WmZMSDQ4WU0=[1]
> The reproductive number of COVID-19 is higher compared to SARS coronavirus
引用@ Conclusions
This review found that the estimated mean R 0 for 2019 nCoV is around 3. 28 with a median of 2.79 and IQR of 1.16 which is considerably higher than the WHO estimate at 1.95.
* R 0とは、一人の感染者から、何人に感染するか、を表してる。
引用A 感染率は、SARSの範囲と重なるけれど、新型コロナウイルスの感染しやすさは、SARSを越えている。
> R0 estimates for SARS have been reported to range between 2 5, which is within the range of the mean R 0 for 2019 nCoV found in this review.・・・・On the other hand, despite the heightened public awareness and impressively strong interventional response, the 2019 nCoV is already more wi despread than SARS, indicating it may be more transmissible.