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[原発・フッ素53] 福島第一原発の処理水放出計画を認可 放出の終了は「約30年後」/朝日新聞 仁王像
6. 2022年7月24日 19:53:33 : NOjEuu7gfs : Ui41SVZ3YTcwYlE=[1]

Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the UN

Remarks by Ambassador Geng Shuang at the 31st Meeting of States Parties to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea in response to Japan's statement regarding the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water issue
2021-06-25 16:13
2021-06-25 16:13

Mr. President,

Thank you for giving me the floor to exercise the right to reply.

Just now the Japanese Representative made erroneous remarks on the issue of the nuclear contaminated water from Fukushima nuclear power plant, attempting to emphasize that the treated water will be harmless, and that they have been open and transparent, and the plan has been approved by the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA). These are intentionally misleading for they are not in line with the facts. China wishes to underline the following points.

First, the Fukushima nuclear accident is one of the most serious in world history. The contaminated water is composed of cooling water injected into the melted reactor core, as well as groundwater and rainwater. It consists large amounts of radioactive isotopes which are created in the fission process and non-existent in nature. There is no precedent to refer to and the impact on marine environment, food security and public health cannot be neglected. If the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water will be harmless as Japan has claimed, why would they not keep it for domestic use? Why does it insist on dumping it into the sea?

Second, actually the Japanese side has not been transparent and open as it has explained. Before the announcement of its decision to release nuclear contaminated water into the sea, Japan did not fully consult with neighboring countries and other stakeholders. After the announcement, many Pacific-rim countries including China, as well as organizations such as the Pacific Islands Forum, all expressed concerns on Japan's release decision. But so far, Japan has not responded earnestly to and has not addressed such concerns.

Third, the IAEA has never endorsed or approved Japan's decision to release nuclear contaminated water into the sea. At present, the IAEA is establishing a technical working group and has confirmed that specialists from China and Republic of Korea will be invited to join the group. China will offer full support to this work, urging Japan to respond to the concerns of the stakeholders and the international community. Japan should act in good faith, with a highly responsible attitude toward international public interests, and in an open, transparent and scientific manner, prudently address relevant issues.

Fourth, the disposal of the nuclear contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear accident is not merely a domestic issue for Japan. The planned actions will severely harm international public health, safety and the immediate interests of neighboring countries and their people. We once again urge Japan to revoke its wrong decision. It must not wantonly start the ocean discharge before consulting and reaching consensus with all stakeholders including neighboring countries and relevant international institutions.

Thank you, Mr. President.



United Nations -Meetings Coverage and Press Releases-
国連 -会議取材とプレスリリース-   
Seventy-sixth Session, 46th & 47th Meetings (AM & PM) GA/12393 7December2021
第76回セッション、第46&47回会合(午前・午後) GA/12393 2021年12月7日

Calling for Global Action, General Assembly Speakers Stress Law of Sea Convention Must Be Used to Protect Oceans, Coastal Nations, Marine Resources


GENG SHUANG (China) said the rules and principles of international law should continue to be followed in matters not covered by the Law of the Sea Convention. The international community must cooperate in order to meet the challenges of the maritime environment, climate change and sea level rise. Japan has unilaterally decided to discharge Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water into the oceans, disregarding the common interests of the international community, he warned, noting that decision was made without exhausting all means of safe disposal and without consulting its neighbouring countries. Further, international judicial institutions should abide by the principle of national consent and fully respect the right of all countries to choose their own method of dispute settlement. With regards to the sustainable development of global fishery, he advocated for ecological and environmentally friendly fishing, reiterating his country’s commitment to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. The United Nations is not the right place to discuss the South China Sea, he asserted, underlining China’s consistent position on the topic. China has always been committed to resolving disputes peacefully, he said, pointing to the arbitration case brought unilaterally by the Philippines. In this context, he called on the Philippines to resolve the dispute through negotiations.
GENG SHUANG(中国)は、海洋法条約が適用されない問題については、国際法の規則と原則に従い続けるべきだと述べた。 国際社会は、海洋環境、気候変動、海面上昇の課題に対応するため、協力しなければならない。 日本は、福島原発の汚染水を海洋に放出することを一方的に決定し、国際社会の共通の利益を無視していると警告し、その決定は、安全な処理のためのあらゆる手段を尽くさず、近隣諸国と協議することもなく行われたことを指摘した。 さらに、国際的な司法機関は、国家間の合意の原則を守り、すべての国が独自の紛争解決方法を選択する権利を十分に尊重する必要がある。 世界の漁業の持続的発展に関しては、エコロジカルで環境に優しい漁業を提唱し、違法、無報告、無規制の漁業と闘う自国のコミットメントを繰り返した。 国連は南シナ海を議論する適切な場所ではないと主張し、このテーマに関する中国の一貫した立場を強調しました。 また、フィリピンが一方的に提起した仲裁裁判について、「中国は常に紛争の平和的解決に尽力してきた」と述べた。 その上で、フィリピンに対し、交渉による紛争解決を呼びかけた。


The representative of Japan, in exercise of the right of reply, responded to the remarks made by the representative of China, saying that the water that was being referred to is not contaminated and meets regulatory standards. Japan has been transparent in its efforts in explaining this to the international community based on scientific evidence and will continue to do so.
日本代表は、中国代表の発言に対し、反論権を行使し、「言及されている水は汚染されておらず、規制基準を満たしている」と反論した。 「日本は、科学的根拠に基づいて国際社会に説明する努力を透明に行っており、今後も続けていく。」と。

The representative of China said that during the general debate the representatives of some countries made wrong remarks on the South China Sea issue. The United Nations is not the appropriate venue to discuss this issue. China’s position is consistent and clear: its maritime rights and interests have a full legal basis. His Government has always been committed to resolving jurisdictional disputes with any States directly concerned, he said, noting that thanks to the joint efforts of China and ASEAN countries, the situation in the South China Sea remains generally stable. As a party to the Law of the Sea Convention, China enjoys the rights conferred, he said. However, the Convention does not exhaust all the rules under the Convention; this is stated in the preamble to the Convention. Any matters not regulated by the Convention will be governed by the rules of general international law. Japan’s decision to discharge contaminated water into the oceans is irresponsible, he said, urging it to rescind its decision in order to maintain the overall interests of the international community.
中国代表は、一般討論で一部の国の代表が南シナ海問題で間違った発言をしたと述べた。 国連はこの問題を議論する適切な場ではない。 中国の立場は一貫して明確であり、その海洋権益には完全な法的根拠がある。 また、中国とASEAN諸国の共同努力により、南シナ海の状況はおおむね安定していると指摘した。 中国は海洋法条約の締約国として、付与された権利を享受している。 しかし、この条約に基づくすべての規則を網羅しているわけではなく、このことは条約の前文に記されている。 条約で規定されていない事柄は、一般国際法のルールが適用されることになる。 また、汚染水を海洋に放出するという日本の決定は無責任であるとし、国際社会全体の利益を維持するために、その決定を取り消すよう求めた。

Oceans and Law of the Sea


[原発・フッ素53] 国連科学委の対話集会、大荒れ〜誤り指摘に「結論変えず」  (OurPlanet-TV)  魑魅魍魎男
5. 2022年7月24日 20:18:57 : NOjEuu7gfs : Ui41SVZ3YTcwYlE=[2]
[原発・フッ素53] 国連科学委の対話集会、大荒れ〜誤り指摘に「結論変えず」  (OurPlanet-TV)  魑魅魍魎男
6. 2022年7月24日 20:29:01 : NOjEuu7gfs : Ui41SVZ3YTcwYlE=[3]

「指摘は検討するが結論は変わらない」とは一体どういう論理だ!論理的にデタラメ野郎!検討しても結果は決まってる科学などあるわけないだろっ! 怒)




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