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TmV4ejNhZHREUC4= コメント履歴 No: 100000
188. 2023年3月14日 15:51:57 : yoso5IRDKE : TmV4ejNhZHREUC4=[1]
Perihelion Shift of Mercury (again) (クリ)

Here is a figure of Mercury. Mercury is drawn as a circle. Plus, the center of it and an arc are drawn. This arc passes through the center and is extending symmetrically upward and downward. This arc is part of circle centered at the center of Sun that is located on the right of this figure. Therefore, the size of Mercury divided by the arc is left > right. Thus, actual magnitude of centrifugal force of Mercury due to its orbital motion will exceed the magnitude calculated as a point. Probably, this will be the reason for perihelion shift of Mercury.

Note: For planets with satellites, perihelion shif seems to be larger. This will be due to centrifugal force.
Note) There must be more unknowns in perihelion shift.


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