11. TondaMonta[869] gnOCj4KOgoSCgYJsgo@CjoKUgoE 2019年4月17日 01:08:08 : PzU9eO2XwI : TmFGMC55TXBhTk0=[1]
さて次の段階じゃが、Next Stepじゃがホワイト・ハウスに届けた30万筆以上の署名活動に対するトランプ政権の返事はまだか。辺野古・大浦湾埋め立て反対の30万筆だよ。たまさか死に票ではあるまいな。トランプ大統領閣下,どうかご返事を下さい。
17 April, 2019
On Henoko and Ohura Bay land fill
Dear our highness, President of USA, Donald Trump
So much I am glad to send my message to your White House about the landfill of Henoko and Ohura Bay in Okinawa, Japan. As we and I have collected the signatures more than 300,000 from the opponents of the landfill of Henoko & Ohura Bay by Japanese government. we wish you'll check it to reply.
As you know、Henoko Base extended shall destroy the environment of the sea around where dugonga sea pigs eat the seeds and there are plenty of coral reef.Besides it more than half of the Okinawa people are against the landfill of the base by JP government. Its number of supporters is less than one quarter of Okinawa residents.
At that JP government lied that the landfill plan is perfect. That's, they could not realize the poor ground of Henoko Bay. However JP government has begun the landfill there. Because its bureaucrat officers and lawmakers can get kick back from the general contractors.
I hear USA is a great country of Justice and Freedom. Therefore may I ask you one question, the Okinawa people can't have a freedom/right of being against the violent landfill of Henoko and Ohura Bay by JP government?
From my deep heart I wish our great president may say US doesn't need Henoko Base in Okinawa. Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely
Monta Tonda