★阿修羅♪ > QUlXUmxLcXoxQm8= > 100000
g検索 QUlXUmxLcXoxQm8=  
QUlXUmxLcXoxQm8= コメント履歴 No: 100000
[] 相対性理論はインチキだろう.
274. なかやま[38] gsiCqYLigtw 2024年4月12日 11:32:58 : xtKE1KaAOA : QUlXUmxLcXoxQm8=[1]
Time is Absolute (again)

◎ In relative motion
A spacecraft is moving horizontally in front of an observer. Plane waves of starlight (constant wavelength) is coming from directly above. Regardless of the speed of the spacecraft, coming waves are the same. Time is absolute, with no delay.
◎ In different gravity fields
There is a mirror high up in high tower. Light (constant wavelength) emitted from the ground is reflected by the mirror and returned to the ground. Frequency measured at these three points are the same (if these are not the same, number of waves on optical pathes will increase or decrease endlessly). Time is absolute, with no delay.


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