2. 2021年10月08日 12:18:11 : SxgMmiztJM : OGFzR2oueWliYUE=[1]
> 拉致問題は・・・(2度の小泉訪朝で)完全に終わった問題だとして、けん制しました。
> Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has reportedly raised the abduction issue during the conversations he had with the leaders of other countries following his assumption of power.
The abduction issue was long resolved perfectly and completely with the visits to Pyongyang by the then Japanese Prime Minister in September 2002 and May 2004, and the subsequent sincerity and efforts from our side.
We have made this point seriously clear to be sufficiently enough for Japan to understand during all of the intergovernmental meetings and contacts held several times between the DPRK and Japan. Since the Prime Minister had worked as foreign minister for five years, he cannot be unaware of our principled stand on the issue of DPRK-Japan relations.