3. 2019年3月07日 14:01:16 : 1FEO4siDd8 : NjNldTNuRWpSMEE=[1]
> 内部被ばくにより脳の神経細胞が破壊される
> There are increasing instances of a
phenomenon termed “Chernobyl dementia,”
which includes disorders of memory,
writing, convulsions, and pulsing headaches,
caused by destruction of brain cells in adults
(Sokolovskaya, 1997).
“HEALTH EFFECTS OF CHORNOBYL ACCIDENT THIRTY YEARS AFTERMATH’では、被曝線量が高い除染作業員の間で、出現した精神神経障害として「側頭葉癲癇(temporal epilepsy)」が、しばしば挙げられている。
> Lifetime monitoring of potential neuropsychiatric effects in prenatally irradiated and exposed at the age 0–1 is continuing in the NRCRM. At the age of 23–25 years these exposed persons still have significantly more neuropsychiatric disorders (Figure 15.15) as paroxysmal disorders (G40,G43), including epilepsy and epileptic syndromes (G40), autonomic dysfunction and headache
syndromes (G44, G90.9), dorsalgia (М54), neurotic and somatoform disorders (F40–F48).
> Belarus liquidators and evacuees had a
2.5- to 3-fold increase in the number of individuals
withType-II diabetes and impaired glucose
tolerance and a 1.4- to 2.3-fold increase in
hyperinsulinemia (Aderikho, 2003).