43. 2019年12月11日 18:51:06 : wEU9cmNe9M : M3lLTzJFelFZeW8=[1]
@ 大日本帝国が、朝鮮半島や中国侵略するための先駆けとして、血にまみれた、おぞましい役割を担った、玄洋社の頭山満は、大立者の政治家に招かれ、皇族から、金品を受け取った。
> Toyama, who had continued to increase in stature. The patriot was courted by leading
politicians, and even received money from the imperial family.
> He was invited to dinners at the imperial palace and at ultranationalist societies.
A 戦争中は、大安組を率いて、拠点工場の疎開に尽力した、安藤明は、戦後は、安藤組と名前を変え、闇市のボスたちと密接な関係を築き、戦争中の主な政治家や高松宮とは、昵懇以上の関係があった。
> He headed the Andogumi,・・・・and was
on close terms with the black market oyabun in the major cities. Equally important,he was on more than speaking terms with Prince Takamatsu, the
emperor’s brother, as well as with wartime politicians of national stature.
B 戦争中は、児玉機関を率いて、巨万の富を築いた、児玉誉士夫は、戦後は辻嘉六とともに、自由党の創設に、その資金を提供した。
> Tsuji used Kodama’s booty to finance the founding of the Liberal Party
> In 1955, the Liberal Party, begun with funds from Yoshio Kodama’s hoard of plundered wealth,
merged with the Democratic Party, and under the leadership of Nobusuke
Kishi, together they formed the Jiyu-Minshuto
> Nobusuke Kishi, who, with Kodama’s backing, had
risen to become prime minister.
> In December 1963,
three years after leaving office as prime minister, Kishi had acted as vicechairman
of a committee in charge of arrangements for a yakuza funeral.
Later, in 1974, he was among scores of prominent guests invited by Yamaguchi
godfather Kazuo Taoka to the lavish wedding of his son.
以上、Kaplan and Dubro,Yakuzaより引用。