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[] フリーメイソンと結社の魅力(週刊『エックスゾーン』第82号)
1. 2021年2月27日 11:45:02 : Pt2bgnffSE : M2dvamQ1Z1Z5YzY=[1]

The former treasurer of a Baltimore Freemasons lodge was sentenced to five years in prison after pleading guilty to embezzling more than $750,000 during a five-year period.

Carroll Martin, who previously served as treasurer for the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland, pleaded guilty to felony theft in January for embezzling $751,247.44 from the fraternal organization, according to the Baltimore State’s Attorney’s Office.

The state’s attorney’s economic crimes unit and Baltimore Police Department began a nine-month investigation of Martin in October 2017.

An audit found Martin endorsed 377 of the fraternity’s checks to himself “for reimbursement,” according to the state’s attorney’s office. There was no evidence he needed to be reimbursed for those expenses, the state’s attorney’s office said.

“The defendant abused his position of trust for personal financial gain,” Baltimore state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby said in a statement. “Thanks to the fine investigative and prosecutorial work by ECU and BPD, Mr. Martin is being held accountable for his actions.”

Martin’s attorney, Kurt Nachtman, could not immediately be reached for comment Wednesday morning.


[] フリーメーソン人物事典(『歴史読本』臨時増刊'86-9)
1. 2021年2月27日 11:57:40 : Pt2bgnffSE : M2dvamQ1Z1Z5YzY=[2]

A former senior member of the Freemasons has been jailed for a year after he admitted stealing over £120,000 from his own lodge.

William Murphy, of Broomhill Park, Magheralin, will serve a further year on supervised licence.

The judge at Belfast Crown Court told Murphy he found "no exceptional circumstances" that would allow him to suspend his 12 months in prison.

In May, the 63-year-old pleaded not guilty to a total of 15 charges.

But three months later, the bankrupt County Down accountant was re-arraigned on all charges, and pleaded guilty to:

•One charge of fraud by abuse of position
•Fourteen counts of stealing a total of £121,504 from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim

The fraud took place over a five-year period from 2006-2011.

In September 2014, a member of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim made a complaint to police that Murphy had stolen the money while treasurer of the lodge.

The fraud came to light in 2012 when the lodge employed new auditors who conducted a review of its financial affairs.


[] 暴露されたフリーメーソン。NO.1すべてを疑え!
1. 2021年2月27日 12:52:36 : Pt2bgnffSE : M2dvamQ1Z1Z5YzY=[3]

Secret networks of Freemasons have been used by organised crime gangs to corrupt the British criminal justice system, according to a bombshell Metropolitan Police report leaked to The Independent.

Operation Tiberius, written in 2002, found underworld syndicates used their contacts in the controversial brotherhood to "recruit corrupted officers" inside Scotland Yard, and concluded it was one of "the most difficult aspects of organised crime corruption to proof against".

The report - marked "Secret" - found serving officers in East Ham east London who were members of the Freemasons attempted to find out which detectives were suspected of links to organised crime from other police sources who were also members of the society.

Famous for its secret handshakes, Freemasonry has long been suspected of having members who work in the criminal justice system - notably the judiciary and the police.


[] NO.8 フリーメーソン・カレンダ−(END)
1. 2021年2月27日 13:02:33 : Pt2bgnffSE : M2dvamQ1Z1Z5YzY=[4]

Prosecutors said he used his position as a Freemason treasurer to steal $23,000 from the organization, adding that the money was meant to help widows of Freemason members who had died.

According to court papers, whenever a group member passes away, their widows are sent a check for $1000.

Withers is accused of taking that money for himself and building a garage.

Members of the organization didn’t want to talk to KIRO7 on camera.

In a statement, the Freemason’s Grand Master of Washington, Chris Coffman, confirmed the charges against Withers.

“We are deeply saddened by these allegations, as this fund was created to assist widows and orphans. We will allow the legal process to take its normal course,” Coffman wrote to KIRO7.


[] フリーメーソンの日本侵略計画(『WL』第22号)
1. 2021年2月27日 13:10:54 : Pt2bgnffSE : M2dvamQ1Z1Z5YzY=[5]

For years, questions have been asked about the relationship between Freemasonry and police.

As recently as 2018, the then-retiring head of the Police Federation, Steve White, said he suspected Lodge members were obstructing reform from within police services.

And in the 1980s, a decade when Freemasonry's influence on policing, the judiciary and local government came under intense scrutiny, a high-profile scandal raised the question of Masonic influence on Greater Manchester Police.

That was the so-called Stalker Affair - in which John Stalker, a veteran detective who rose to the ranks of Deputy Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police, was accused of associating with criminals, including members of the city's notorious 'Quality Street Gang'.

At the time, Stalker was two years into an inquiry he was heading into allegations that the Royal Ulster Constabulary had used a 'shoot to kill' policy in Northern Ireland.

The late Mr Stalker strongly denied, and was later cleared of allegations that he fraternised with gangsters. Speculation swirled in the media that the well-respected officer had been the victim of smear campaign - orchestrated by Masons within GMP and the RUC - as a result of his work in Northern Ireland.

This claim was strongly denied by the Freemasons, who raise millions for good causes every year, and define themselves as a social group which merely encourages self-improvement in a spirit of respect, integrity, friendship and charitable giving.

But now, a new book has raised questions about the influence of the brotherhood within Greater Manchester Police in the more recent past.


[] フリーメーソン日本最高幹部極秘リスト
2. 2021年2月27日 13:17:55 : Pt2bgnffSE : M2dvamQ1Z1Z5YzY=[6]

A Romanian appeals court is due to rule in a curious corruption case in which the two defendants, a former chief of police and a suspended judge, stand accused of failing to disclose their membership of the Freemasons and allegedly using their connections in the secretive society to accept bribes and cover up crimes. Originally arrested among several others, mostly regional police chiefs, on charges including bribery, influence peddling, and abuse of office, Liviu Popa, ex-chief inspector of Bihor County Police and judge Ovidiu Galea were subsequently charged with making false statements for failing to disclose their membership of the National Grand Lodge of Romania (MLNR).

Telephone interceptions, along with the testimonies of other masons, and the documents submitted by the MLNR showed that the two were members of the “Criss Land” Loge. Popa had been a mason since 2007 rising to the status of “Great Mason” in 2009. In none of the statements of interest submitted during the period 2008-2016, did Popa declare his masonic affiliation. According to the masonic record, which includes a photograph of the magistrate, and his identification data masonic activity, Galea was recommended by Popa and the businessman Ioan Mintaş to join the Freemasons in 2014. In none of the statements of interests submitted during 2008-2016, did Galea or Popa declare their masonic affiliation.

Under Romanian law, government officials and public workers, including police officers and judges must declare any affiliation they have with NGOs in an official statement of interests. The defendants have argued that they did not need to declare their membership of the order because although the Grand Masonic Lodge is a registered NGO, the local lodge, of which they were members, is not.

In the indictment under which the men were arrested it says that they used their connections in the masons to offer and receive bribes and cover up crimes.

If found guilty, the defendants could face up to 2 years in prison.



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