7. 2019年4月01日 11:52:21 : kl1wAUP6tc : M0pibGRRb2dFN0E=[1]
> 全身性エリテマトーデス
@ チェルノブイリ原発事故のさい、高濃度汚染地域に、住む子どもたちに、NK細胞の抑制という異常が見られた。
> Frequent natural killer cell abnormality in children in an area highly contaminated by the Chernobyl accident.
・・・・natural killer (NK) cell activity against K562 cells was depressed in 4 of these 10 children.・・・・・A comparative analysis of NK cell activity in children from areas with and without high 137Cs levels revealed a high frequency of abnormal NK cell activity only in children from the area contaminated by radioactive fallout.
A NK細胞の異常は、その遺伝子の異常に由来する。
> NK細胞異常症の原因遺伝子解析-新たな免疫不全症としての確立
B 全身性エリテマトーデスに罹り、甲状腺乳頭癌を発症した患者では、甲状腺自己免疫が、高い割合で見られた。
> Among SLE patients with confirmed thyroid cancer, 80% showed evidence of thyroid autoimmunity, whereas only 31% of SLE patients without thyroid cancer exhibited evidence of thyroid autoimmunity (P = 0.02).
C 放射線によって、人間の微生物環境にある生物群に、病理学的な変化を生じて、より感染しやすくなる。
> The strong association between carcinogenesis
and viruses (papilloma virus, hepatitis virus,
Helicobacter pylori, Epstein–Barr virus, Kaposi’s
sarcoma, and herpes virus) provides another
reason why the cancer rate increased in areas
contaminated by Chernobyl irradiation (for a
review, see Sreelekha et al., 2003).
Not only cancer, but alsomany other illnesses
are connected with viruses and bacteria. Radiologically
induced pathologic changes in the microflora
in humans can increase susceptibility
to infections, inflammatory diseases of bacterial
and viral origin・・・・