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[政治・選挙・NHK294] 石丸伸二から感じる耐えがたい危うさ 古谷経衡 猫と保守と憂国(日刊ゲンダイ) 赤かぶ
10. 氷島[1506] lViThw 2024年7月01日 06:10:34 : ZNhlgKqnjs :TOR eVFBZjZRaEdtRDY=[1]


AIが数学オリンピックの難問証明 ひらめき獲得 数学者「ついに」



[NWO7] WEF内部情報: エリートたちは「AIテロリスト」を配備し、米選挙を中止させようとしている (TPV Sean)  魑魅魍魎男
1. 新共産主義クラブ[-11046] kFaLpI5ZjuWLYINOg4mDdQ 2024年9月26日 00:34:30 : ZNhlgKqnjs :TOR eVFBZjZRaEdtRDY=[2]

 この「魑魅魍魎男」さんの投稿記事のソースを公表しているウェブサイト "The People's Voice" は、"Media Bias/Fact Check" は、極右(EXTREME RIGHT)で、フェイクニュースを公表し続けているウェブサイトであるとしています。

 この投稿記事のソースを執筆した Baxter Dmitry さんが、昨年に執筆して "The People's Voice" に公表した記事の "WEF Signs Order Cancelling US Election: Americans Must Be Ruled By Global Elite For Their Own Good" については、"Reuters" が虚偽の内容であると判定しています。

★ WEF Insider: Elite Deploying ‘AI Terrorists’ To Cancel US Election
(September 7, 2024 Baxter Dmitry, The People's Voice)

The winner of the US election has already been selected by the global elite,
according to a WEF insider who warns the elite will spend the next two months
doing everything in their power to ensure the selected candidate is

About Baxter Dmitry  6366 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business
and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter
has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live
without fear.


★ WEF Signs Order Cancelling US Election: Americans Must Be Ruled By Global
Elite For Their Own Good
(August 29, 2023 Baxter Dmitry, The People's Voice)

There will be no US elections in the future according to Klaus Schwab and his
WEF cronies who have ordered the Deep State traitors working at the heart of
government to pull the plug on the 2024 election.


◆ Fact Check: WEF did not sign an order canceling US elections
(By Reuters Fact Check, September 13, 20231:42 PM UTC, Reuters)

The World Economic Forum (WEF) did not sign an order canceling U.S. elections
nor does it have the power to do so, contrary to social media posts citing an
opinion article by a WEF contributor discussing the idea of average citizens
being elected instead of politicians.

The claim stems from an article published on Aug. 29, 2023, by The People’s
Voice with the headline, “WEF Signs Order Cancelling US Election: Americans
Must Be Ruled By Global Elite For Their Own Good.”

False. The World Economic Forum did not sign an order to cancel
U.S. elections.

◆ The People's Voice (website)

The People's Voice (formerly known as NewsPunch and Your News Wire) is an
American fake news website based in Los Angeles. The site was founded as Your
News Wire in 2014 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai and his husband, Sinclair Treadway.

Regular contributors to NewsPunch include Adl-Tabatabai, a former BBC and MTV
employee from London previously an employee of conspiracy theorist David Icke,
Adl-Tabatabai's mother Carol Adl, an alternative health practitioner, and
Baxter Dmitry, who had previously been posing as an unrelated Latvian man
using a stolen profile photo.

[Fake news stories]
・Anti-vaccination hoaxes alleging that Bill Gates refused to vaccinate his
children and "admitted that vaccinations are designed so that governments can
depopulate the world".

・False claims about the World Economic Forum


◆ NewsPunch


2014年にSean Adl-Tabatabaiとその夫のSinclair Treadwayによって設立され、元々はYour News Wireという名前で運営されていたが、2018年11月にNewsPunchとしてリブランドされた。

NewsPunchの寄稿者には、ロンドン出身の元BBC・MTV職員で、以前は陰謀論者のデイビッド・アイクに雇われていたAdl-Tabatabai、Adl-Tabatabaiの母親で代替医療信奉者のCarol Adl、および他者の写真を盗用して無関係のラトビア人男性になりすましていたBaxter Dmitryなどが含まれる。


◆ The People’s Voice (Newspunch) – Bias and Credibilty
(Media Bias/Fact Check)

Overall, we rate The People’s Voice a Questionable source based on extreme
right-wing bias and promotion of tin foil hat conspiracies. This website has
zero credibility due to the routine publishing of fake news.

[Detailed Report]

Reasoning Propaganda, Conspiracy, Fake News
Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
Country: USA
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY




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