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[] 相対性理論はインチキだろう.
278. なかやま[49] gsiCqYLigtw 2024年5月04日 09:55:16 : VhSPn2L612 : clZLUGRVYlEzOWc=[1]
Law of Universal Gravitation (rewritten)

Formula for the law of universal gravitation is F=GMm/r^2. Value r is the distance between centers of gravity of the two bodies (let’s call them spheres L and R). If r is 50, the squared is 2500. It is the first diagram.

Now, this is the second diagram. On a horizontal straight line, spheres L, R1, and R2 are lined up. If distance between L and R1 is 49, and distance between L and R2 is 51, the squared are 2401 and 2601. If these two are added and divided by 2, the value 2501 is gotten, which is slightly larger than 2500. In other words, the formula of universal gravitation doesn’t care about the size of the two sources of gravity, but in reality, there will be some effect, even if it’s a little ? Is Newton’s spherical shell theorem not perfect ? Is this the main cause of apsidal precession ?
Note) 2500 and 2501 are coefficients in numerator of the formula.
Note) Masses of R1 and R2 each are 1/2 of the mass of R.
Note) Assume that R1 and R2 are hemispheres of R (distance of centers of gravity is 2).


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