1. 新共産主義クラブ[-11234] kFaLpI5ZjuWLYINOg4mDdQ 2024年7月30日 00:11:37 : UDnTuBaKK2 :TOR cGptNUlxLkN5TE0=[1]
反米極右の陰謀論者の阿修羅民が、この記事を見たら、「WEF、ブラボー!!」と、思わず、WEF にエールを送ってしまいそうですね。
暑さボケで、「魑魅魍魎男」さんは、"EXTREME RIGHT" の "fake news website" と言われる "The People’s Voice" から、米国内の極右の陰謀論者向けに配信されているフェイクニュースを、海外の極右の陰謀論者向けに配信されているフェイクニュースだと勘違いして、間違って、阿修羅掲示板にこの記事を掲載してしまったのではないでしょうか。
◆ The People’s Voice (Newspunch) – Bias and Credibilty
(Media Bias Fact Check)
Detailed Report
Reasoning Propaganda, Conspiracy, Fake News
Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
Country: USA
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY
◆ The People's Voice (website)
The People's Voice (formerly known as NewsPunch and Your News Wire) is an American fake news website based in Los Angeles.
A 2017 BuzzFeed News report identified NewsPunch as being the second-largest source of popular fake stories spread on Facebook that year, and a June 2018 Poynter analysis identified NewsPunch as being debunked over 80 times in 2017 and 2018 by Poynter-accredited,factcheckers such as Snopes, FactCheck.org, PolitiFact, and the Associated Press.
《 Fake news stories 》
・False claims about the World Economic Forum