13. 2020年2月02日 19:21:33 : uJEV8lexy2 : cG5jV3laTEs3VG8=[1]
> The developing brain is extremely radiosensitive. Severe mental retardation, intellectual quotient (IQ) decrease, poor school performance, microcephaly, and seizures have been revealed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-bombing survivors exposed to radiation in prenatal period especially at 8–15th and 15–25th gestation weeks [194–199]. The latest reappraisal of the dosimetry data
showed the 0.06–0.31 Gy dose threshold of a mental retardation after exposure at week 8–15 and 0.28–0.87 Gy at week 16–25 respectively [200].
> A.I. Nyagu and collaborators (1992–2004) had paid high enough attention to the issue of prenatal brain damage as a result of the Chornobyl accident. Their initial reports featured the overestimated incidence of the mental retardation in prenatally irradiated kids (up to 77%). In was assumed that thyroid radiation dose in utero exceeding 0.3 Gy is a risk factor of neuropsychiatriceffects [207, 208]. Further upon the international psychometric methodology application the incidence increase of mild mental retardation, borderline and low IQ, emotional and behavioral disorders was found.