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bm10bGRHd05TMVk= コメント履歴 No: 100000
[カルト33] おかしく・テレ東・米国立衛生研究所・昨年6月にコロナデータ削除、それを元に作られたPCR検査とワクは根拠を失った。やっ… ポスト米英時代
9. 大ウソ君[4] keWDRYNcjE4 2021年7月28日 06:42:00 : McLUjOa04w :TOR bm10bGRHd05TMVk=[1]




[カルト33] NHK・中症病院満床、陽性率急増。五輪もそうだが、それ以上に接種率の上昇に比例しており、ラエルと同じ傾向である。 ポスト米英時代
3. 法螺吹き[28] lkCXhpCBgqs 2021年7月28日 06:59:58 : McLUjOa04w :TOR bm10bGRHd05TMVk=[2]

Fox News の指摘は単に、統計の読み方を知らないことによる錯覚だそうだ。

Israeli Data Suggests Possible Waning in Effectiveness of Pfizer Vaccine
- The New York Times





More recently, they ran another analysis. This time, they looked at cases between June 20 and July 17. In that period, they estimated, the vaccine’s effectiveness was even lower: just 39 percent against infection.

Still, they estimated that the vaccine’s effectiveness against serious disease remained high, at 91.4 percent.

If a vaccine has an effectiveness of 39 percent that does not mean that 61 percent of people who got vaccinated were infected by the coronavirus. Instead, it means the risk of getting infected is 39 percent less among vaccinated people compared to unvaccinated. So even at that lower percentage, the data shows that vaccinated people have significantly less risk of getting infected than unvaccinated people.

The small number of people in the latest study means that the true effectiveness might be lower or higher. Making the numbers even more uncertain is the fact that the new surge has not yet spread evenly across the whole country. Travelers who have picked up the highly contagious Delta variant have brought it back to neighborhoods where vaccination rates are relatively high.

The new outbreaks have yet to swamp communities of Orthodox Jews or Arab Israelis, where vaccination rates are lower. That imbalance may make the vaccine seem less effective than it really is.

Vaccine skeptics wrongly focus on Israel - The Washington Post


A vaccine skeptic community that often focuses on unverified data, innuendo and false and misleading comparisons is suddenly pointing to Israel again.

イスラエルでは、ワクチン耐性の高いデルタバリアントが原因で症例が実際に大幅に増加していますが、それは非常に低いベースラインからのものです。国は以前の症例数のほんの一部のままです。 7日間の平均は、約800の新しい毎日のケースであり、1月のピークの10分の1未満です。

While cases are indeed rising significantly in Israel because of the more vaccine-resistant delta variant, that’s from a very low baseline. The country remains at a fraction of its former case numbers. The seven-day average is at about 800 new daily cases, or less than one-tenth of the January peak.


Israel is averaging about 120 weekly hospital admissions, which is down from a peak of nearly 2,000 in January. So while cases are less than one-tenth of what they were then, hospitalizations are about one-sixteenth. And admissions to the intensive care unit are about one-twentieth, according to data collected by the University of Oxford.


The “percent of cases that turn critically ill is now 1.6%, compared to 4% at a similar stage in the 3rd wave when there were no vaccines,” tweeted Eran Segal, a computational biologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science and government adviser.


All told, Israeli government data show the Pfizer vaccine is indeed significantly less effective at preventing coronavirus cases of the delta variant (64 percent) than it was for previous variants (95 percent). It’s also significantly less effective at preventing symptomatic cases (64 percent vs. 97 percent). But it performs much more similarly when it comes to preventing serious cases and hospitalization (93 percent vs. 97.5 percent).


In other words, the delta variant means the virus will probably continue to spread, even among vaccinated people and even in a strongly vaccinated country such as Israel, because the vaccines don’t protect from transmission or symptomatic cases nearly as well. But that doesn’t mean the vaccines don’t work, especially when it comes to preventing the worst of the disease.


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