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[政治・選挙・NHK209] 「ポケモンGO」をなぜ、政府官邸が肩入れするのか 赤かぶ
48. 2016年10月09日 18:01:14 : EurS72GTiF : fZ_2_R0L7wE[1]
【ドイツ】Pokémon Go eine CIA-Operation? | Forum - heise.de (2016年7月20日

【ドイツ】Pokémon-Hysterie – erste Todesfälle - sen.de (2016年7月22日)

・Pokémon GO investor has close ties to US intelligence - theoutsidernews.com (2016年7月12日)

・韓国で「ポケモンGO」が大人気!130万人がDL、利用できないはずなのになぜ? - Record China (2016年7月16日)

・ポケモンGO、地方は「ただただ迷惑」…人増えても「金落とさず」、混乱対策のコスト増 - ビジネスジャーナル (2016年8月6日)

・バカの貧困/純丘曜彰 教授博士 - INSIGHT NOW! (2016年8月21日)

・NHKの『ポケモンGO』特集中にくっそディスられるwww - はちま起稿 (2016年10月9日)

(※ひきつづき拡散希望) 下のタイトルを一行コピペだけでも駆除効果があります。)
 「ポケモンGO」をなぜ、政府官邸が肩入れするのか 赤かぶ - 阿修羅

   ↓ 面倒お手数ですが、情報投下にご協力お願いします。作戦名は“掃討”。
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[政治・選挙・NHK209] 「ポケモンGO」をなぜ、政府官邸が肩入れするのか 赤かぶ
50. 2016年10月13日 18:57:11 : EurS72GTiF : fZ_2_R0L7wE[2]
・Geht nicht raus! Die Pokémon GO-Apokalypse steht kurz bevor! - Nerd WIKI (2016年7月14日) 

・Pokémon Go has revealed a new battleground for virtual privacy - TechFinancials (2016年7月21日) 

・Pokémon GO: Stop the Exodus into Virtual Reality and Violence - TechFinancials - schillerinstitute.org (2016年8月) 

・Watch This Freaky Herd of Hundreds of Pokemon Go Zombies - themillenniumreport.com (2016年8月23日)

・This Pokémon Go Crowd Looks Like a Massive Zombie Horde - straatosphere.com (2016年8月23日) 
 Footage of Pokémon Go players in Taiwan’s Xinbeitou district are startling, to say the least.

・Pokémon Go distracts drivers and pedestrians, causes accidents - Medical News Today (2016年9月16日) 
 Almost 114,000 incidences over 10 days down to Pokémon Go

・Pokemon Go Sent Me To The ER: Two Cases Show What Can Go Wrong - Medical Daily (2016年10月5日)

・Could Pokémon Go kill you? Experts warn the augmented reality game is increasing distraction-related deaths - Daily Mail Online (2016年10月5日) 

・The Newest Pokemon Go Court Case Will Be Heard In The Hague - Cinema Blend (2016年10月5日) 

・Greek Awareness Center Saferinternet.gr: Pokemon Go entails serious risks - Tornos News International Edition (2016年10月7日) 

を『Avira Internet Security 2013 Part.4 - 2ch.sc』へ代行しておいて下さい。

◇Privacy Eraser Free Portable Download - ZDNet

◇Tutanotaの使い方 - security hondaclinic jp セキュリティの意識と知識

◇Freemail Vergleich 2016 - emailtester.de (“TLS/SSL-Test ansehen”ここが重要です) 

◇〔メールノ暗号化〕 Encrypted email で検索 - PC-WELT.de
Encrypted email

◇〔セキュアなメッセンジャー〕 Sicher Messenger で検索 - PC-WELT.de

◇〔セキュアなスマホ用アプリなど〕 Sicher Application で検索 - PC-WELT.de

[政治・選挙・NHK209] 「ポケモンGO」をなぜ、政府官邸が肩入れするのか 赤かぶ
68. 2016年11月23日 17:56:34 : EurS72GTiF : fZ_2_R0L7wE[3]
>>66 のつづき、ではアメリカ合衆国内ではどうか?
―――― 皆さん、その内容の違い驚かないでください。

・Pokemon Go: How to protect your device from scams, malware, and privacy issues - symantec.com/connect/blogs/(2016年7月13日)

・Pokemon Go をお楽しみの方へ: 詐欺、マルウェア、プライバシー侵害からデバイスを保護する方法 - symantec.com/connect/blogs/(2016年7月15日)

・Pokemon Go(手遊寶可夢)成為下個網路攻擊目標 賽門鐵克揭示潛在安全威脅

・What Could (Pokémon) Go Wrong? - securingtomorrow.mcafee.com(2016年7月10日)

・Pokémon Go: How Families Can Stay Safe (and Still Catch ‘Em All) - securingtomorrow.mcafee.com (2016年7月19日)

・野生の偽 “Pokémon GO” があらわれた! - blogs.mcafee.jp (2016年7月11日)

・Pokémon GOに潜む危険 - blogs.mcafee.jp (2016年7月22日)

―――― セキュリティ企業のブログの文言に

・Is Pokemon Go SPYING on US for the US Gov’t? - rednationrising.us (2016年7月12日)
 Lots of apps have sketchy privacy policies, that’s nothing new.
But the first set of alarms go off as soon as you realize that Pokémon Go’s policy does seem a bit more liberal than most,
because not only are you giving Pokémon Go access to your location and camera,
you’re also giving it full access to your Google account (assuming you use that to sign in). There’s one section of the privacy policy in particular that seems to be getting the conspiracy theorists of the world up in arms and which Reddit user Homer_Simpson_Doh calls “very Orwellian”: Could Pokémon Go be turning us all into an army of narcs in service of the coming New World Order?

・POKÉMON GO LINKED TO CIA - nmws.us(2016年7月12日)
 The ‘augmented reality’ mobile game Pokémon Go, which uses the player’s smartphone camera to ‘add’ Pokémon to real-world locations, has ties to the CIA.

The developer of Pokémon Go, Niantic, Inc., was founded by John Hanke, who previously received funding from the CIA’s venture capital firm In-Q-Tel to develop what eventually became Google Earth.

In-Q-Tel was once described as an “independent strategic investment firm that identifies innovative technology solutions to support the missions of the U.S. Intelligence Community.”

It’s easy to see why the CIA would have an interest in the software behind Pokémon Go; the game utilizes the player’s camera and gyroscope to display an image of a Pokémon as though it were in the real world, such as the player’s apartment complex or workplace bathroom.

・Pokémon Go, funded by the CIA - activismnow.us(2016年7月12日)
 Congrats folks, you now are a tool of 1 or more intelligence agencies.
・CIA Pokemon app is doing what the USA PATRIOT Act can’t - revolutionnow.us(2016年7月20日)
 Secondly, the game’s privacy policy contains such gems as, “We may disclose any information about you (or your authorized child) that is in our possession or control to government or law enforcement officials or private parties.” What could go wrong?

But wait, it gets worse!

The maker of the app? Niantic Labs. Never heard of them? That’s because until last year they were an internal start-up of none other than Google, the NSA-linked Big Brother company. Even now Google remains one of Niantic’s major backers. Niantic was founded by John Hanke, who also founded Keyhole, Inc., the mapping company which was created with seed money from In-Q-Tel, the Amerikan Gestapo Central Intelligence Agency division's venture capital arm, and which was eventually rolled into Google Maps.

So yes, the Pokémon game currently taking the Internet by storm (and scooping up all their data, including activities, movements and communications) was created by a CIA-linked businessman who gestated his company at Google.

Feeling safe yet?

As it turns out, the big, bad Big Brother Spies of the NSA and the DHS and the CIA don’t really need their USA PATRIOT Act powers. All the powers-that-shouldn’t-be need to do is create a fun, shiny trinket for the people to play with and they will literally pay for their own surveillance.

Welcome to the “Matrix Economy,” where people pay to spy on themselves… and have fun doing it!

Aldous Huxley would be proud.

・'Snowden' director Stone talks NSA, Pokemon GO at Comic Con - baselinemag.com (2016年7月22日)
 Stone said "we don't take sides" in the film, which also presents the counter-arguments from characters based on government officials who defend the NSA surveillance programs.

・Pokémon Go Is a Risk to Business - baselinemag.com (2016年7月25日)
 The data collected by Niantic (the company that created Pokémon Go) includes a person's movements while playing the game, where he or she has gone,
what times a person plays, the route he or she took, and how long an individual stayed at a particular location.
The company can also pull information about device use and behavior.
- See more at: http://www.baselinemag.com/blogs/pokemon-go-is-a-risk-to-business.html#sthash.L7aoeS8z.dpuf

・Pentagon Bans Pokémon O Over Potential Spy Threat - onenewspage.us (2016年8月15日)


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