7. 2016年4月06日 18:05:09 : MF8oQdyEEQ : eNtNbLJ3Ju4[1]
>ひまわり @powerpc970 37分37分前
.@jiyuugaoka1 @kikumaco 量の概念もなければ距離の概念もない、英語の一次資料も読めないキチガイは病気です→福島原発事故の放射能放出量はチェルノブイリの1.8倍という嘘 - NAVER まとめ http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2141139837620191401 …
April 30, 2014
TO: Coastal Commissioners and Interested Parties
FROM: Charles Lester, Executive Director
Alison Dettmer, Deputy Director
Joseph Street, Environmental Scientist
SUBJECT: Report on the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Disaster and Radioactivity along the California Coast.
Cs−134 50+40=90PBq
Cs−137 50+41=91PBq
合計 181PBq
Gov’t Report: Fukushima released up to 181 Quadrillion Bq of cesium, Chernobyl was 105 Quadrillion ― Radioactive material to flow from Japan “for years to come” ― Fukushima radionuclides have now spread “throughout N. Pacific”
Published: May 20th, 2014 at 9:43 am ET
California Coastal Commission (State of Calif. Natural Resources Agency), Apr. 30, 2014:
“[It's] important to understand that the Fukushima release consisted of multiple radionuclides with distinct modes of release, chemical properties, radioactive half-lives, and behavior in the environment, all of which influence the potential for environmental harm. [...] cesium-134 and cesium-137 were also released in significant quantities and pose greater potential risks to human and ecosystem health due to their reactivity, mobility in the environment, and biological availability.”
“River runoff and groundwater discharge from contaminated areas, along with seafloor sediments off of Fukushima, are expected to supply relatively small but continuing doses of radioactivity to the North Pacific for years to come […] in the three years since the accident, Fukushima-derived radionuclides have spread throughout the North Pacific.”
“The total input of 137Cs to the North Pacific from Fukushima are poorly constrained, with estimates ranging from 14 – 90 PBq [90 petabecquerels, i.e. 90 quadrillion becquerels].”
“~76 PBq [of cesium-137 due to global fallout from nuclear weapons testing was] still present in the North Pacific in 2011 [...] in the worst case the Fukushima disaster [...] may initially have tripled the total amount of radioactive cesium in the North Pacific.”
Researchers estimate up to 181 PBq of cesium has already been released during the Fukushima disaster (90 PBq of 134Cs + 91 PBq of 137Cs)
According to the National Research Council ― Committee on an Assessment of CDC Radiation Studies: “35 PBq of Cs-134 and 70 PBq of Cs-137″ were released during Chernobyl disaster.
Chernobyl = 105 PBq of Cesium-134, -137
Fukushima = Up to 181 PBq of Cesium-134, -137 (releases ongoing “for years to come”)