7. 2016年4月02日 18:43:51 : UaCj1YCoNY : K5nesj_bLm0[1]
> IAEA(国際原子力機関)は今年1月、日本の原子力規制政策を調査して「職員の力量向上が必要」「被規制者とともに(中略)安全文化の浸透に向けた努力をすべきだ」という異例の勧告を行った。
>IAEA suggests Japanese government to amend nuclear safety law
the team urged the NRA to enhace inspection competence.
The IAEA said in a statement that the Japan's NRA should work to attract competent and experienced staff, and enhance staff skills relevant to nuclear and radiation safety through education, training, research and enhanced international cooperation.
The agency also urged Japan government to amend its nuclear safety law to allow the authority to perform more effective inspections of nuclear and radiation facilities.
Inspection leader Philippe Jamet, said Japan's inflexible inspection rules do not allow inspectors to move freely at nuclear facilities or respond quickly when there is a problem.