4. 2015年12月10日 13:02:28 : hd5UWlRIUE : 1S8W2IZ0EQs[1]
>Total reporting countries
0001 Albania
0002 Anguilla
0003 Antigua and Barbuda
0004 Argentina
0005 Armenia
0006 Aruba
0007 Australia
0008 Austria
0009 Azerbaijan
0010 Bahamas
0011 Bahrain
0012 Barbados
0013 Belarus
0014 Belgium
0015 Belize
0016 Bermuda
0017 Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
0018 Bosnia and Herzegovina
0019 Brazil
0020 British Virgin Islands
0021 Brunei Darussalam
0022 Bulgaria
0023 Canada
0024 Cayman Islands
0025 Chile
0026 Colombia
0027 Costa Rica
0028 Croatia
0029 Cuba
0030 Cyprus
0031 Czech Republic
0032 Denmark
0033 Dominica
0034 Dominican Republic
0035 Ecuador
0036 Egypt
0037 El Salvador
0038 Estonia
0039 Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
0040 Fiji
0041 Finland
0042 France
0043 French Guiana
0044 Georgia
0045 Germany
0046 Greece
0047 Grenada
0048 Guadeloupe
0049 Guatemala
0050 Guyana
0051 Haiti
0052 Honduras
0053 Hong Kong SAR
0054 Hungary
0055 Iceland
0056 Iraq
0057 Ireland
0058 Israel
0059 Italy
0060 Jamaica
0061 Japan
0062 Jordan
0063 Kazakhstan
0064 Kiribati
0065 Kuwait
0066 Kyrgyzstan
0067 Latvia
0068 Lithuania
0069 Luxembourg
0070 Macau
0071 Malaysia
0072 Maldives
0073 Malta
0074 Martinique
0075 Mauritius
0076 Mayotte
0077 Mexico
0078 Monaco
0079 Mongolia
0080 Montenegro
0081 Montserrat
0082 Morocco
0083 Netherlands
0084 Netherlands Antilles
0085 New Zealand
0086 Nicaragua
0087 Norway
0088 Occupied Palestinian Territory
0089 Oman
0090 Panama
0091 Paraguay
0092 Peru
0093 Philippines
0094 Poland
0095 Portugal
0096 Puerto Rico
0097 Qatar
0098 Republic of Korea
0099 Republic of Moldova
0100 Reunion
0101 Rodrigues
0102 Romania
0103 Russian Federation
0104 Saint Kitts and Nevis
0105 Saint Lucia
0106 Saint Pierre and Miquelon
0107 Saint Vincent and Grenadines
0108 San Marino
0109 Sao Tome and Principe
0110 Saudi Arabia
0111 Serbia
0112 Seychelles
0113 Singapore
0114 Slovakia
0115 Slovenia
0116 South Africa
0117 Spain
0118 Sri Lanka
0119 Suriname
0120 Sweden
0121 Switzerland
0122 Syrian Arab Republic
0123 Tajikistan
0124 TFYR Macedonia
0125 Thailand
0126 Trinidad and Tobago
0127 Turkey
0128 Turkmenistan
0129 Turks and Caicos Islands
0130 Ukraine
0131 United Arab Emirates
0132 United Kingdom
0133 United States of America
0134 Uruguay
0135 Uzbekistan
0136 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
0137 Virgin Islands (USA)
0138 Zimbabwe
0139 Total repo
WHO Mortality Database
Updated as of July 2014
>No. of deaths - Pneumonia, both sexes, all ages
Years Japan
2005 107241
2006 107242
2007 110159
2008 115317
2009 112004
2010 118888
2011 124749