10. 新共産主義クラブ[6154] kFaLpI5ZjuWLYINOg4mDdQ 2018年4月24日 15:33:19 : z3UvSl7plU : zBlDApyjmi4[1]
◆ Abe’s diplomatic efforts fail to boost support for Cabinet
(The Japan News by The Yomiuri Shinbun,12:56 am, April 24, 2018)
By Keita Ikeda and Kiyoshi Miyamoto / Yomiuri Shimbun Staff Writers
There seems to be no end to the declining approval rating of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Cabinet.
The achievements of the recent Japan-U.S. summit meeting were wiped out by a series of blunders, failing to bring about a shift in the current plight of the administration as Abe had hoped.