1. 2019年1月14日 18:53:03 : IGp3PsFODE : Ql7nE_5YT5Q[1]
@ 水晶体の異常は、最終的には白内障に進行する。
> In a group of 72 liquidators from 1986,・・・・Autoantibodies
to lens antigen were increased 44%;・・・
> Crystalline lens opacities occur more frequently
in the more radioactive contaminated
territories (Table 5.52) and correlate with the
level of incorporated Cs-137 (Figure 5.11).
> Atypical
lens pathologies were observed in 61 children
(density of the posterior subcapsular layers,
dimness in the form of small spots and points
between the posterior capsule and the core, and
vacuoles) and were highly (r = 0.992) correlated
with the average and maximum levels of
soil contamination.
> Two new syndromes have been seen in
liquidators and in those from the contaminated
• Diffraction grating syndrome, in which
spots of exudate are scattered on the central
part of the retina. This was observed
in liquidators who were within direct sight
of the exposed core of the fourth reactor
(Fedirko, 2002).
• Incipient chestnut syndrome, named for
the shape of a chestnut leaf, expressed
as new chorioretinopathy, changes of retinal
vessels with multiple microaneurisms,
dilations, and sacs in the retinal veins
around the macula (Fedirko, 2000).